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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Office for Students Scholarship

Queen Mary University of London has secured funding from the UK Office For Students to offer scholarships of £10,000 each to students studying the MSc conversion programme in Data Science and AI


About the award

Applications for 2022/2023 are now closed.

These scholarships are for under-represented groups in the field of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and to be eligible you need to be a member of at least one of the under-represented groups mentioned below.

Level: Masters
Course: You must have an offer to study on the MSc in Data Science and AI conversion programme. With regret, students with offers of study for other programmes cannot be considered for this scholarship.
Country: Home / EU / International
Value: £10,000
No of awards: 9 for the academic year 2022-2023
Deadline: Applications for 2022 are now closed. 

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible you need to be a member of at least one of the under-represented groups mentioned below. All applications will be assessed and priority will be given to those in groups a, b and c. Preference will also be given to students resident in the UK, but not exclusively so. In the event that we have more eligible applicants than scholarships, funding decisions will be made based on your written personal statement provided in your scholarship application as well as on academic merit.

a. Female student
b. Black student
c. Registered disabled students
d. Students from POLAR Q1 and Q2 (UK students only) [1]
e Care experienced student (UK students only) [2]
f. Estranged student (UK students only) [3]
g. Gypsy, Roma, Traveller student (resident in the UK)
h. Refugees (resident in the UK)
i. Children from UK military families, veterans and partners of UK military personnel.

[1] POLAR is an acronym for Participation Of Local Areas, which is used in the UK Higher Education (HE) sector as a measure of disadvantage? It is founded on postcode. The UK Government compiles statistics on how many young people in different postcode regions typically go into HE. The 20% of areas with the lowest participation rates are designated as “Quintile 1” (Q1), the top 20% are “Quintile 5” (Q5), and so on. To find out whether your home address is within a Q1 or Q2 area check out:

[2] A "Care Experience Student" is a student who has been, or is currently, in care, or from a looked-after background, at any stage in their life, no matter how short, including adopted children who were previously looked-after. This care may have been provided in a one of many different settings such as in residential care, foster care, kinship care, or through being looked-after at home with a supervision requirement.

[3] The UK Office for Students defines "estranged students" as students between the age of 18 to 24 who are not communicating with either of their parents. Consequently these students lack the support of a wider family. They may be estranged before entering higher education but can also be at risk of estrangement or becoming estranged during their studies.

How do I apply?

You must have already applied for the MSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence conversion programme. Please do not apply if you have an offer for any other programme e.g. MSc AI or MSc Big Data Science as your application won’t be considered. You will need a Queen Mary University of London student ID number (which you receive as part of the application process) to be able to apply for the scholarship.

You should submit your completed application form, a CV, and your offer of study letter from Queen Mary before the deadline to:


Queries relating to this scholarship can be addressed to the Institute of Coding at Queen Mary University of London.


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