2022 Intelligent Sensing Winter School (December, 12-14 and 19) - Centre for Intelligent Sensing
When: Monday, December 12, 2022 - Monday, December 19, 2022, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Where: Zoom
The 2022 Intelligent Sensing Winter School is a fully remote event on explainable AI sensing, featuring international experts presenting their research related to explainable artificial intelligence and interpretable machine learning.
2022 Intelligent Sensing Winter School on Explainable AI Sensing
12-14 and 19 December 2022
Organised by the Centre for Intelligent Sensing, Queen Mary University of London, UK
The 2022 Intelligent Sensing Winter School is a fully remote event on explainable AI sensing, featuring international experts presenting their research related to explainable artificial intelligence and interpretable machine learning.
Target audience: Researchers from the industry, Postdocs, PhD & Masters students.
Call for Short Presentations: Winter School participants are invited to submit an expression of interest for a short (5-10 minute) presentation related to their work, in the context of explainable AI sensing. Topics can include the application of explainable AI methods to participants’ research topics, or critical overviews on explainable AI on specific domains related to sensing. Presentations will be given on 19 December and will be attended by winter school participants, plus a panel of experts on explainable AI sensing, and feedback will be provided. Please email <cis-web@eecs.qmul.ac.uk> with your expression of interest for a short presentation at the Winter School (including a talk title, plus a 2-3 sentence description of the content of your talk) by 12 December 2022.
Platform: Zoom
Programme: http://cis.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/school2022.html
Registration (free): https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/2022-intelligent-sensing-winter-school-online-tickets-469035506827