A social psychology approach to fostering inclusion in music technology education
When: Friday, June 7, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Where: Graduate Centre, Room GC601, Mile End
Speaker: Dr Eddie Dobson (University of Huddersfield)
Abstract: Organised by C4DM/AIM/EECS/WHEN, in this talk Dr Eddie Dobson will address the considerable challenges facing Women and minority gender professionals (WMGP) in the audio industries, which are are serviced by a majority white, cis, able-bodied male workforce. The talk will touch on:
- the hidden curriculum,
- a gender-blind and technology-led understanding of engagement,
- the influence of early years access on engagement,
- a developmental perspective on identity and engagement in music technology,
- how learners are perceived by peers and educators 'confident boys and 'bolshie' girls,
- and the potential benefit of fun, friendship and collaborative play for supporting sustained engagement in MTE so that all learners might flourish.
Bio: Dr Eddie Dobson is an academic, composer and sound designer based at The University of Huddersfield. Eddie is a National Teaching Fellow and Principle Enterprise Fellow and has delivered many workshops for girls, women and minority gender learners at all levels of practice and is set to be a Key Tutor on the 2024 Sound and Music In the Making summer school. Developing a portfolio of audio work, Eddie has delivered audio-post production services and sound design for film and television since 2019, including work for Ch4 and Audible. Their latest acousmatic piece was premiered at a CeReNeM Loudspeaker Orchestra Concert in Greenwich in 2023, and performed at Electric Spring Festival in 2024.
This event is part of the Pride Month 2024: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/pride-month/pride-month-2024