c4dm internal seminar: Multilabel bird species classification (Dan Stowell)
22 January 2014
Time: 2:00 - 3:00pm
Venue: Top Floor Seminar Room, Informatics Teaching Lab
C4DM internal seminar (WED 22nd Jan.)
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Place: ITL top seminar room
Title: Multilabel bird species classification
Speaker: Dr. Dan Stowell
Can you recognise which bird species are singing in a 5-second sound recording? Could a machine? We’ll describe how we built a system for the recent NIPS4b bird recognition challenge, a “multilabel” task with 87 different classes and up to 6 present at once. We’ll talk about the choice of audio features, the choice of classifiers, what the other contestants did, and the outlook for automatic bird sound recognition.