CAS London 2020 Conference
29 February 2020
Time: 9:10am - 5:30pm
Venue: Gladesmore Community School, Glademore Road (Back entrance), London, N15 6TJ

This event is for educators who teach computing in any setting! Whether you are new to teaching computing in Early Years or have been teaching A level for many years thre is something here for you. This is a community event, where we welcome everyone to get involved.
- We have between nine and ten tracks for you to choose from across the four sessions (Click here for more details)
- You book your sessions when you book your ticket.
- We limit the number of participants at each session so that the sessions can be active and hands on.
- Your choices will be on your delegate badge on the day.
- Each session is 1 hour long (except for the primary planning session, which is 2 hours).
Sessions cover (but not exhaustive) PRIMM, semantic waves, design, Rosenshine, cognitive load, machine learning, data skills, data analytics sessions, networks, agile, system architecture, programming (of course). There are sessions from Jon Chip, Phil Bagge, Alan O'D, Craig n Dave, Sue Sentance, Paul Curzon, William Marsh, Exam boards to name but a few....
Getting to Gladesmore: Seven sisters tube is a short walk away and there is on street parking around the school. But there are a lot of us attending the conference, so close parking can't be guaranteed!
Teachmeet: For the first time, thanks to LGFL sponsorship, we have a teachmeet this year.
Lunchtime activities: As always lots of lunchtime activities for you to contribute to - favourite books, sharing student projects, digital health (what resources do you use?), find out about the NCCE, who your new hubs are and get help from the Isaac team on delivering A level.
Charges: We charge a nominal amount to cover food and to encourage you to attend. At present we are finding lots of people book tickets for free events but don’t then turn up. As we sell out, this means we turn people away, who could actually come.
Free tickets and reduced-price tickets: Thanks to Isaac Computing, if you are an A level teacher and you attend at least one of the A level sessions in room ICT5 and you sign up for Isaac Computing your ticket cost will be refunded. BUT you must attend the session and you must sign up.
For more information and to book your place please visit