Distinguished Lecture by Keeley Crockett: Title: Physiological Profiling with Artificial Intelligence
3 October 2018
Time: 3:00 - 4:00pm
Venue: Queen Mary, Mile End campus: Bancroft Road Lecture Theatre BR 3.01

Part of our Distinguished Lecture series
Speaker: Dr Keeley A Crockett - Reader in Computational Intelligence - School of Computing, Maths and Digital Technology, Manchester Metropolitan University
All welcome (especially students), no pre-booking required. Event will be preceded at 2.45pm by tea and followed by a reception - both in the Informatics Hub.
Abstract: Artificial Intelligence is having an impact on our everyday lives. It has been argued that as Artificial Intelligence gets more complex our ability to understand and therefore guide how it makes decisions decreases. Moreover, it may come to pass that these machines will need to be maintained by other specialist machines, further removing humanity from the equation [1].
This talk will focus on how artificial intelligence can be used in Physiological profiling people. Silent Talker is a pioneering psychological profiling system which was developed by experts in Behavioural Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence. Designed for use in natural conversation, Silent Talker combines image processing and artificial intelligence to classify multiple visible signals of the head and face during verbal communication. From analysis, the system produces an accurate and comprehensive time-based profile of a subject’s psychological state.
The talk will give examples on how Silent Talker technology can be used to detect deception through providing risk scores to border guards in a border crossing scenario, to detecting comprehension of a person and providing personalised online learning within a conversational intelligent tutoring systems. Ethical considerations will also be touched on in line with the GDPR and how it is important to have a “human in the loop”
[1] Heron, M. & Belford, P., (2015), Fuzzy ethics: or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bot. ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society, 45(4), pp.4–6.
Keeley Crockett is a Reader in Computational Intelligence in the School of Computing, Mathematics and Digital Technology at Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK. She is a knowledge engineer and has worked with companies to provide business rule automation with natural language interfaces using conversational agents. She is Senior Artificial Intelligence Scientist consultant for Silent Talker Ltd. She is currently a member of the IEEE Task Force on Ethical and Social Implications of Computational Intelligence and has a strong focus on ethically aligned design in the context of intelligent systems development. Her main research interests include fuzzy decision trees, semantic similarity algorithms, semantic text based clustering, conversational agents, fuzzy natural language processing, semantic similarity measures, and AI for psychological profiling. Currently the Principal Investigator (MMU) on the H2020 funded project iBorderCtrl – Intelligent Smart Border Control and also working on two UK Knowledge Transfer Partnerships with Service Power and AccessPay. She is the currently Chair of IEEE WIE UKI and Vice-Chair of the IEEE Women into Computational Intelligence Society.
Prof John Chowning
Stanford University, Stanford, California - Centre for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)