Distinguished Lecture Seminar - Dr. Juan Augusto - 18 February 2015
18 February 2015
Time: 3:00 - 4:00pm
Venue: BR 3.02 Bancroft Road Teaching Rooms Peter Landin Building London E1 4NS
Intelligent Environments can be created by deploying technology in a physical space so that some humans interacting with that space benefit from new services as the system has increased capability to react sensibly to user’s needs and preferences. This area has a number of ingredients which make it slightly different from traditional systems, including the use of sensing, some of them probably embedded in mobile components, for example in smart phones, it is eminently user-centred and certain relatively new concepts like context-awareness take pre-eminence. This talk will explain the concepts behind Intelligent Environments, mention some applications, and discuss some of the challenges associated with the engineering of systems in this area.
Dr. Augusto is Professor of Computer Science at Middlesex University London. His research interest and contributions are focused on the design and implementation of Intelligent Environments with special interest in making systems more intelligent and reliable and on applications in the domains of Ambient Assisted Living and Education.
He is the Head of the Research GrOup On Development of Intelligent EnvironmentS (GOODIES) which is a multi-disciplinary group with a wide range of skills in fundamental Computer Science areas (software engineering, artificial intelligence, networking, and interfaces) as well as more specific areas like context-awareness, user-centric design and mixed-reality systems.
He has contributed to the research community with more than 200 publications, and given several invited talks and tutorials for international events, mostly related to Ambient Assisted Living and Ambient Intelligence. He has also chaired numerous technical events (for example, AmI’13), and he funded the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Ambient Intelligence which this year will celebrate its 10th edition. He was appointed as Editor in Chief of three journals, including the recently created Journal on Reliable Intelligent Environments (Springer), the Journal on Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (IOS Press) and the Transactions on Future Intelligent Educational Environments (EAI).
He is a member of several advisory boards, an external referee for EU funding calls and an advisor for different EU funding programmes. He is an ACM and IEEE member, a BCS Professional Fellow (2011) and an AAAI Senior Member (2014).
For more details please visit: http://www.jcaugusto.com/