EECS Flagship Seminar Series - Laser communication in space, technic and potential
3 May 2017
Time: 5:00 - 8:00pm
Venue: Fogg Lecture Theatre G E Fogg Building MIle End Rd London E1 4NS
Title: Laser communication in space, technic and potential
Laser communication will help Earth-observing satellites to transmit large quantities of potentially life-saving data down to Earth in near-real time. Geostationary satellites use optical links to gather low-orbiting satellites’ information at far higher data rates than traditional radio frequency beams.
Laser communication will provide near-realtime data where it matters the most. Disaster relief efforts and the maritime sector will use the system to get information when it counts. The International Space Station will also use laser communication to relay its findings down to Earth.
In the first EECS Flagship Seminar for 2017, Dr Uwe Sterr will be presenting giving his talk, titled: Laser communication in space, technic and potential, where he discusses laser communication and it's key role in providing real-time data transfer from satellites and aircraft infrastructure.
Laser communication is key of the future high performance data relay satellite infrastructure that supports real-time data links for earth observation satellites, scientific missions or high flying aircrafts with global, ubiquitous coverage.
A detailed system explanation will be complemented with in orbit data of spatial acquisition and communication of LEO-LEO, LEO-GEO and GEO-Ground links. Based on the data strong and weak points of different technics are highlighted.
An overview of the since November 2016 operational European Data Relay System (EDRS) shows the potential of a state of the art optical communication relay system. An overview of an operational concept completes the system description.
Uwe Sterr received his BSc degree in communications technology from the University of Applied Science Esslingen, Germany, in 1992, his MSc degree in digital data communication systems at the University of Brunel, London, in 1994, and a PhD in antenna technique at the University of London, Queen Mary and Westfield College in 1998. Since 1998, he has been working in the field of optical inter-satellite communication.
He oversaw the in-orbit verification of TESAT-Spacecom’s LEO-LEO system and takes part in the in-orbit verification of TESAT-Spacecom’s GEO-LEO system. Since 2010, he is the CEO of the satellite telecommunication consulting company ST2C, Esslingen, Germany. ST2C develops simulation tool for beaconless spatial acquisition systems and supports in-orbit activities of laser communication systems.
Event Information :
Biology Lecture Theatre, G E Fogg Building
When: Wednesday 3 May 2017 from 17:00 to 20:00 (GMT)
- Reception: 17:00 - 17:30pm
- Seminar: 17:30 - 18.30pm
- Wine Reception: - 18:30- 20:00pm
EECS Flagship Seminar Series is a series of public lectures on subjects of general interest in information engineering and science. National and international leaders in information technology discuss important issues relevant to everybody in the twenty-first century. Hosted by the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London, and generously sponsored by IBM.