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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

GAN, Deepfake and Misinformation

When: Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Where: Zoom link:

We are delighted to invite you to a free, online talk on GAN, Deepfake and Misinformation, with perspectives from both academia and industry and an opportunity to join in the conversation over the selected topic.

About the event 

In this 90 minute talk, the following speakers will discuss their work and take questions:

• Elena Kochkina, Postdoctoral Research Assistant in EECS, will talk about State of the art and challenges of automated rumour verification in social media conversations

• Steven Allen, Senior security consultant & Cloud Platform security manager at Capgemini, will answer the question “What can AI learn from Biometrics?”

• Ioannis Patras, Professor in Computer Vision and Human Sensing in EECS will discuss his research on the GAN technology, detecting near duplicate videos and associated issues

• Chris Reed, Professor of Electronic Commerce Law, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, at QMUL will talk about Misleading humans via AI.

The event will be introduced by Prof Steve Uhlig, Head of School, and chaired by Prof Sean Gong, chair of the EECS Industrial Board.

The purpose of this event is to offer a space for knowledge sharing between the EECS research community, our industry partners, and guests.

Further information about the event can be found by visiting the eventbrite page

Joining the event 

Please find the Zoom access details here below.

Join the Zoom Meeting by using this link:

Meeting ID: 886 5468 6151
Passcode: 647691



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