IADS Lunchtime Colloquium - Privacy-preserving Multimodal Learning
27 February 2019
Time: 12:00 - 1:00pm
Speaker: Prof Andrea Cavallaro, School of EECS, QMUL
Venue: G O Jones building, Room 610 - Mile End Campus, Queen Mary University of London
For our next lunchtime colloquium of the Institute of Applied Data Sciences (IADS), we welcome Prof Andrea Cavallaro, Director of the Centre for Intelligent Sensing of QMUL and Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute. The event is open to everyone; lunch will be provided.
Title: Privacy-preserving Multimodal Learning
Miniature high-quality cameras are increasingly worn by people, mounted on handlebars, dashboards, mini-drones, and in your smartphone. The pervasiveness of cameras and associated sensors is offering incredible opportunities to improve services and our quality of life, while however simultaneously posing important societal challenges. Enabling multimodal video-based applications and services while protecting privacy is a major interdisciplinary challenge that must be addressed to adapt to increased capabilities of technology and changing demands from users and citizens. The project PRIMULA aims at offering new privacy preserving analytical frameworks for data-centric applications. This will be achieved through innovative and efficient on-device machine learning models for multi-modal sensor data. PRIMULA is introducing new learning algorithms for processing data such as images, audio, as well as accelerometer and gyroscope data on user devices. We expect that the resulting privacy benefits will in turn favour an expansion of data types that users will accept being processed by apps and services.
Andrea Cavallaro is Professor of Multimedia Signal Processing and the founding Director of the Centre for Intelligent Sensing at Queen Mary University of London, UK. He is Fellow of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) and Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, the UK National Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne. He was a Research Fellow with British Telecommunications (BT) in 2004/2005 and was awarded the Royal Academy of Engineering teaching Prize in 2007; three student paper awards on target tracking and perceptually sensitive coding at IEEE ICASSP in 2005, 2007 and 2009; and the best paper award at IEEE AVSS 2009. Prof. Cavallaro is vice chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Technical Committee and an elected member of the IEEE Video Signal Processing and Communication Technical Committee. He is Senior Area Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing; and Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology and IEEE Multimedia. He is a past Area Editor for the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2012-2014) and past Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2011-2015), IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2009-2011), IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (2009-2010) and IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2008-2011). He is a past elected member of the IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee and of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Technical Committee, and chair of its Awards committee. Prof. Cavallaro has published over 250 journal and conference papers, one monograph on Video tracking (2011, Wiley) and three edited books: Multi-camera networks (2009, Elsevier); Analysis, retrieval and delivery of multimedia content (2012, Springer); and Intelligent multimedia surveillance (2013, Springer).
All are welcome; lunch will be provided.
Contact: Dr Robert Lowe, r.lowe@qmul.ac.uk