29 September 2017
Time: 12:00 - 12:45pm
Venue: Excel Centre Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway London E16 1XL
Humans aren’t the only ones who enjoy a good game. Robots are starting to benefit from them too.
Talking at the New Scientist LIve 2017 Event, Simon will explain the synergy between robotics and games, in particular how games can be used to facilitate the evolution of complex and useful behaviour, both in virtual worlds and on physical robots, including autonomous vehicles. Games have the advantage of providing ideal test-beds for new learning algorithms, and enable fast simulations that can be easily parallelised.
Doing this on real robots is much harder, and to make best progress we need to squeeze the most information out of each noisy evaluation, where doing well may be down to luck as much as judgement.
The talk will demonstrate the progress being made and how robots are starting to develop ever more sophisticated imaginations
Simon Lucas is a professor of Computer Science in the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at the Queen Mary University of London, where he is the Head of School and leads the Game AI Group.