PAMBAYESIAN Project final open seminar: 8 June 2021
When: Tuesday, June 8, 2021, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Where: Zoom
The PAMBAYESIAN (PAtient Managed decision-support using Bayesian networks) is an EPSRC funded project to develop a new generation of intelligent medical decision support systems to help both patients suffering chronic conditions and clinicians treating them.
The project ends on 30 June 2021 and there will be a final project open Seminar that will take place on Zoom on 8th of June 2021 from 14:00 to 17:00.
You can join the seminar using the following link:
The event will include presentations on the development of intelligent medical decision support systems and the underlying technology. There will be time for discussion of both the technical issues and future exploitation.
2.00-2.10: Prof Norman Fenton: Introduction and overview of the PAMBAYESIAN project
2.10-2.20 Dr William Marsh: Overview of the Bayesian Network (BN) clinical models
2.20 – 3.10 PAMBAYESIAN rheumatoid arthritis application
2.20-2.30 Dr Amy MacBrayne: The clinical perspective
2.30-2.40 Dr Hamit Soyel: User interaction
2.40 –2.50 Ali Fahmi: The BN model
2.50- 3.00 Chris Robson (Living With): Integrating the model into a commercial platform
3.00-3.10 Discussion
3.20- 3.50 PAMBAYESIAN diabetes in pregnancy application
3.20-3.30 Prof Graham Hitman: The clinical perspective
3.30-3.40 Mariana Raniere Neves: The BN model
3.40-3.50 Discussion
3.50 –4.10 Extensions of PAMBAYESIAN
3.50-4.00 Dr Scott McLachlan: The caremap approach
4.00-4.10 Morghan Hartmann: PAMBAYESIAN additional cases studies - Multiple Sclerosis and Pelvic Floor Syndrome
4.10-4.30 PAMBAYESIAN BN technology
4.10-4.20 Dr Maggie Wang: The dynamic BN modelling challenge
4.20-4.30 Dr Eugene Dementiev: The BN deployment challenge
4.30-4.40 Prof Paul Curzon: PAMBAYESIAN impact and outreach
4.40-5.00 Discussion
More details on PAMBAYESIAN: