QMUL EECS Design and Build Hack Week 2020
17 February 2020 - 21 February 2020
Time: 10:00am - 6:30pm
Venue: Queen Mary University of London
Mile End Road, London
E1 4NS
Sadly, due to the current health crises and the increased threat of the Coronavirus, it has been decided that this year’s Design & Build Hack Week will now be cancelled. For more information or any other enquiries please contact the event coordinator Dr Matthew Tang at matthew.tang@qmul.ac.uk
Welcome to QMUL EECS Design and Build (D&B) Hack Week 2020
What is D&B Hack Week 2020?
This year's D&B Hack Week will be a programming competition jointly organised by JP Innovation Centre and Game AI Research Group from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). We offer an opportunity for London university students uniquely to explore exciting engineering work and compete against each other. A group of Beijing students from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) will also join the competition.
The theme this year is Game Artificial Intelligence (AI) design and programming on Pommerman. It will take place during the third week of February (17th–21st) and we would take as many as 10 teams of 3 students from London. It is free to join the competition.
Why join the D&B Hack Week 2020?
- Free preparatory training from QMUL’s Game AI Research Group
- Chances to win £200 worth of prizes!
- Boost your programming skills through the contest
Schedule (Tentative):
- Monday 17th Feb | Kick-start meeting
- Wednesday 19th Feb | Warm up & Preliminary games
- Friday 21st Feb | Final games
Who can join?
- We are on the lookout for the London undergraduate students from Engineering schools /departments who are interested in Game AI
- Please form teams of 3 students and pick a team leader to register with us
Please contact the event coordinator Dr Matthew Tang at matthew.tang@qmul.ac.uk