Seminar: Studying How People Interact With Objects To Enable Human And Object Aware AI
When: Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Where: Hybrid mode: PL 4.24 (Peter Landin) and online, Mile End
Speaker: Dr Natasha Banerjee
In this talk, Dr Natasha Banerjee will discuss her work on studying how humans perceive and interact with objects to create AI algorithms that are aware of human-object relationships.
Dr Natasha Banerjee will discuss how our work has contributed large multimodal datasets of human interactions such as human-to-human handover, lifting, and object damage, and generated data-driven AI algorithms to enable repair, assistance need, and human-robot handover, improving human outlook toward automation. She will talk about how our state-of-the-art work on automated human-aware damaged object repair enables democratization of repair, how our work on AI-driven sensing of assistance need and handover parameters improves human-robot collaboration in work and home environments. She will also discuss her ongoing efforts on broadening cross-disciplinary collaborations to enable socially-aware human-robot collaboration in sensitive settings such as industrial environments and healthcare.
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Key contact: Manolis Chiou