Seminar: Theory Seminar with Makoto Fujiwara from the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study
22 March 2018
Time: 1:00 - 2:00pm
Theory Seminar takes place on Thursday, 22 March, and this time the speaker will be Makoto Fujiwara from the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study.
Note the seminar is on *Thursday*.
Speaker: Makoto Fujiwara
Title: Interrelation between the fragments of logical principles in arithmetic
Time: 13:00-14:00 on Thuursday 22/03/18
Venue: ITL top floor
Proofs in mathematics which are noneffective by making use of the law-of-excluded-middle schema (LEM) in most concrete cases use only rather restricted forms of LEM, e.g. LEM applied only to formulas of very low complexity. For a fine analysis of the specific uses of classical logic made in proofs, also a number of principles different from LEM (though being derivable from sufficiently strong forms of LEM) have been introduced and studied since 1990's. To show that (over some intuitionistic base system) one noneffective principle A does not imply another principle B, one typically uses so-called proof interpretations (appropriate forms of realizability or functional interpretations) to show that A has a certain semi-constructive interpretation in the sense of the interpretation used which B does not. In fact, by the sophisticated use of such a proof interpretations and the models of finite-type arithmetic, one can prove a lot of underivability between weak fragments of the logical principles LEM, De Morgan's law (DML), the double negation elimination (DNE), the double negation shift (DNS) and so on. On the other hand, in the context of pure (intermediate) logics, such logical principles can be separated in many cases just by using very simple Kripke models. Motivated by this fact, we consider a uniform way to obtain the underivability results for weak fragments of the logical principles in arithmetic by using Kripke models which separate the corresponding intermediate logics.
This is a joint work partly with Ulrich Kohlenbach and partly with Hajime Ishihara, Takako Nemoto, Nobu-Yuki Suzuki and Keita Yokoyama.
Directions: if coming from outside QMUL*
Queen Mary is on Mile End Road, with nearest tube stations being Stepney
Green (closest one to the seminars) and Mile End. The seminars are in
the Informatics Teaching Laboratory, floor 2:
As the building has card access, it is best to inform us that you will be coming (