Soren Bech, Bang & Olufsen, Denmark
30 January 2013
Time: 3:00 - 4:00pm
Venue: BR 3.02 Bancroft Road Teaching Rooms Peter Landin Building London E1 4NS
Perceptual Audio Evaluation
The talk will discuss all relevant aspects of perceptual evaluation of audio signals. Topics will include 1) definition of a suitable research question and associated hypothesis, 2) definition of the question to be answered by the subject, 3) scaling of the subjective response, 4) control of experimental variables such as choice of signal, reproduction system, listening room, and selection of test subjects, 5) statistical planning of the experiments, and 6) statistical analysis of the subjective responses. The tutorial will include both theory and pratical examples including discussion of the recommendations of relevant international standards (IEC, ITU, ISO).
Biography:Soren Bech received a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. from the Department of Acoustic Technology (AT) of the Technical University of Denmark. From 1982 – 92 he was a research Fellow at AT studying perception and evaluation of reproduced sound in small rooms. In 1992 he joined Bang & Olufsen as Technology Specialist and as of 2007 he is Head of Research. He is Professor in Audio Evaluation at Aalborg University, Adjunct Professor at McGill University, Faculty of Music and Visiting Professor at the University of Surrey, Institute of Sound Recording and Adjunct Professor at Aarhus University. Dr. Bech has been project manager of, and active researcher in several international collaborative research projects including ”Archimedes” (perception of reproduced sound in small rooms), ADTT (Advanced Digital Television Technologies), ”Adonis” (Image Quality of Television Displays), ”LoDist” (perception of distortion in loudspeakers units), ”Medusa” (multichannel sound reproduction systems), and ”Vincent” (Flat panel display technologies). He was co-chair of ITU task group 10/3 that authored the ITU BS.1116 standard. He was AES Governor (1996-98) and AES Vice-President (2001–2006). He is currently Associate Technical Editor of JAES and on the review board of JAES, JASA, and Acta Acustica. He is a Fellow of AES and the Acoustical Society of America and he has published numerous papers in JAES, JASA, and other scientific journals. In 2006 his and Dr. Zacharov’s book “Perceptual Audio Evaluation – theory, method and application” was published by Wiley.