Taster day: Creative Computing
5 April 2018
Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Venue: QMUL campus
A course for Year 12 school students - get a taste of what it would be like studying Creative Computing at QMUL...
This taster course is open to year 12 students and anyone who is planning on starting their undergraduate studies in September 2019. Students do not need any prior programming experience. Students looking to study Computer Science, with less interest in visual creativity, may also be interested in the Queen Mary computer science/electronic engineering taster day on 4 April 2018.
Booking is essential - applications can be made via the University of London - click the Book Now button above.
Creative computing combines creative and technical skills and knowledge in the digital world. How can we understand, use and develop technology to support creative practice? Can computers be creative?
This taster day will allow students to explore the creativity and problem-solving found both in design/visual arts as well as computing.
Students will be encouraged to provide visual and technical solutions during hands-on coding sessions using Processing, plus there will be mini-lectures to show how universities are investigating this exciting field. You will also meet staff and some of our existing undergraduate students to get a feel for life with us.