The Institute of Applied Data Sciences colloquim - Data centric Engineering: Hype, Hoax, or Hope?
24 October 2018
Time: 4:00 - 5:00pm
Speaker: Professor Mark Girolami
Venue: David Sizer Lecture Theatre
The Institute of Applied Data Sciences (IADS) colloquia bring together the data science community at Queen Mary, to inspire research and cross-University collaboration. The distinguished speakers span all areas of data science, and are accessible for the whole community. The colloquia are open to everyone.
The first of our distinguished IADS colloquium speakers is Professor Mark Girolami, Programme Director for the Alan Turing Institute-Lloyd’s Register Foundation Programme in Data-Centric Engineering.
Title: Data centric Engineering: Hype, Hoax, or Hope?
Lord Kelvin is attributed to stating that “To Measure is to Know”. The role of empirical observation and data has always been core to the engineering sciences and associated professions. So what does Data Centric Engineering actually mean? Is this yet another bandwagon of hype or is there substance behind the term? This talk will make a case for the adoption of a Data Centric approach to Engineering across all sectors.
Professor Mark Girolami is an internationally leading researcher in statistical sciences, and has had a broad career including 10 years as an engineer at IBM. He brings to the programme significant experience of developing and applying advanced statistical and computational techniques to engineering challenges.
Mark joined the Alan Turing Institute from the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London where he holds a Chair in Statistics. He is an EPSRC Established Career Research Fellow (2012 - 2018) and previously an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow (2007 - 2012). Most recently he was awarded a £3 million research grant from EPSRC to test and improve predictive policing and tackle other challenges for future cities. In 2011 he was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh when he was also awarded a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. In April 2018 he was appointed Lloyd’s Register Foundation / Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Data Centric Engineering.
This event is free but you must register in advance. Please go to Eventbrite to complete registration.