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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Miss Amy Dowse


Room Number: Peter Landin, CS 400


Procedural Programming (Undergraduate)

This is an introductory module in computer programming using Java. You will learn the basic concepts of programming and learn to write and reason about simple programs. The main topics covered are: storing and manipulating data, control structures, methods and recursion, and algorithms for searching and sorting data. Classes include weekly lectures and lab sessions. You will be assessed by coursework throughout the term and by an end-of-term exam. Both will require you to demonstrate that you can write programs and understand theory.

Project (Undergraduate)

A design, development or research project in the field of electronic engineering, to be taken by all final-year BEng students registered for a BEng programme of study in Electronic Engineering. Not open to Associate Students or students from other departments.

Project (Postgraduate)

The aim of the MSc project is to give students the opportunity to apply to a significant advanced project, the techniques and technologies, that they have learned in their lecture modules. Projects will either be significantly development based, or else have a research focus. All projects will be expected either to investigate or to make use of techniques that are at the leading edge of the field. Candidates will be asked to submit a project report on completion of the allotted project period (3 months full time). This report will be evaluated using the standard criteria for scholarly work. Projects will also include a viva where students will be required to demonstrate and defend their work.

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