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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Dr Laurissa Tokarchuk, BA BSc(Hons) PhD


Senior Lecturer

Telephone: +44 20 7882 8027
Room Number: Peter Landin, CS 412
Office Hours: Monday 16:30-18:00, Wednesday 15:00-16:00


Dr Tokarchuk is a member of the Game AI and Cognitive Science research groups, as well as the Centre for Intelligent Sensing (CIS). She researches mobile and location-based gaming, data-driven methods for human-computer interaction design, mobile sensing, social computing, social sensing, recommendation and game AI.


Creating Interactive Objects (Undergraduate)

Interactive objects are physical devices controlled by microcontrollers using simple sensors and actuators. The module provides students with skills, knowledge, and experience of designing and prototyping interactive physical objects using contemporary microcontrollers. The module covers basic electronics, control circuits, sensors (analogue and digital), output (analogue and digital), microcontrollers, simple networking, and microcontroller programming using the popular Arduino open-source platform. It additionally touches on topics of interaction design and evaluation to provide a framework in which students can prototype and understand interactive objects.

Digital Media and Social Networks (Undergraduate)

Introduction to Online Social Networks (OSN) Characteristics of OSNs Basic Graph Theory Small World Phenomenon Information propagation on OSNs Influence and Content Recommendation Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Privacy and ethics

Research Impact and Engagement (Postgraduate)

This module equips IGGI PhD students with the knowledge and skills required to understand how they can responsibly generate economic, social and cultural impact from their research. An intensive part 1 introduces students to a range of topics in the context of interaction between academic research and the games industry: user engagement, communication skills, responsible innovation, and inclusive and ethical research. In part 2, students are then mentored (possibly remotely) by industry and academic experts to design and develop a more substantial piece over several weeks -- a game, interactive experience, short film or similar -- that communicates their research to wider audiences.



  • Withington O, Cook M, Tokarchuk L (2024). On the Evaluation of Procedural Level Generation Systems. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Berns S, Volz V, Tokarchuk L et al. (2024). Not All the Same: Understanding and Informing Similarity Estimation in Tile-Based Video Games. nameOfConference

  • Ballou N, Sewall CJR, Ratcliffe J et al. (publicationYear). Registered report evidence suggests no relationship between objectively tracked video game playtime and well-being over 3 months.. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Ballou N, Sewall CJR, Ratcliffe J et al. (publicationYear). Supplemental Material for Registered report evidence suggests no relationship between objectively tracked video game playtime and well-being over 3 months.. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Berns S, Volz V, Tokarchuk L et al. (2024). Not All the Same: Understanding and Informing Similarity Estimation in Tile-Based Video Games.. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Withington O, Cook M, Tokarchuk L (2024). On the Evaluation of Procedural Level Generation Systems.. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Withington O, Tokarchuk L (2023). The Right Variety: Improving Expressive Range Analysis with Metric Selection Methods. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Tokarchuk L, Ratcliffe J, Hoover M et al. (2023). Editorial: Remote XR user studies. nameOfConference

  • Tokarchuk L, Ratcliffe J, Hoover M et al. (2023). Editorial: Remote XR user studies.. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

  • Hervé JB, Withington O, Hervé M et al. (2023). Exploring Minecraft Settlement Generators with Generative Shift Analysis. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

  • Ratcliffe J, Tokarchuk L (2022). The potential of remote XR experimentation: Defining benefits and limitations through expert survey and case study. nameOfConference

  • Ratcliffe J, Tokarchuk L (2022). Rich virtual feedback from sensorimotor interaction may harm, not help, learning in immersive virtual reality. Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Withington O, Tokarchuk L (2022). Compressing and Comparing the Generative Spaces of Procedural Content Generators. IEEE Conference on Games (CoG)

  • Withington O, Tokarchuk L (2022). Compressing and Comparing the Generative Spaces of Procedural Content Generators.. nameOfConference

  • Raeburn G, Welton M, Tokarchuk L (publicationYear). Developing a play-anywhere handheld AR storytelling app using remote data collection. nameOfConference

  • Raeburn G, Tokarchuk L (2022). Comparing principally imagination and interaction versions of a play anywhere mobile AR location-based story. 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Raeburn G, Tokarchuk L (2022). Comparing principally imagination and interaction versions of a play anywhere mobile AR location-based story.. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Ratcliffe J, Tokarchuk L (2022). Rich virtual feedback from sensorimotor interaction may harm, not help, learning in immersive virtual reality.. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Ratcliffe J, Ballou N, Tokarchuk L (2021). Actions, not gestures: contextualising embodied controller interactions in immersive virtual reality. Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology

  • Ratcliffe J, Tokarchuk L (2021). Sensorimotor learning in immersive virtual reality: a scoping literature review. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR)

  • Raeburn G, Tokarchuk L (2021). Varying user agency and interaction opportunities in a home mobile augmented virtuality story. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Raeburn G, Tokarchuk L, Welton M (2021). Creating Immersive Play Anywhere Location-Based Storytelling Using Mobile AR. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Ratcliffe J, Soave F, Hoover M et al. (2021). Remote XR Studies: Exploring Three Key Challenges of Remote XR Experimentation. Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Ratclife J, Soave F, Bryan-Kinns N et al. (2021). Extended reality (xr) remote research: A survey of drawbacks and opportunities. nameOfConference

  • Ratcliffe J, Ballou N, Tokarchuk L (2021). Actions, not gestures: contextualising embodied controller interactions in immersive virtual reality.. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Ratcliffe J, Soave F, Bryan-Kinns N et al. (2021). Extended Reality (XR) Remote Research: a Survey of Drawbacks and Opportunities.. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Ratcliffe J, Soave F, Hoover M et al. (2021). Remote XR Studies: Exploring Three Key Challenges of Remote XR Experimentation.. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Ratcliffe J, Tokarchuk L (2020). Evidence for embodied cognition in immersive virtual environments using a second language learning environment. 2020 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG)

  • Ratcliffe J, Tokarchuk L (2020). Presence, Embodied Interaction and Motivation. Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia

  • Katevas K, Hänsel K, Clegg R et al. (2019). Finding dory in the crowd: Detecting social interactions using multi-modal mobile sensing. nameOfConference

  • Perez NP, Tokarchuk L, Burdet E et al. (2019). Exploring user motor behaviour in bimanual interactive video games. IEEE Conference on Computatonal Intelligence and Game

  • Warriar VR, Woodward JR, Tokarchuk L (2019). Modelling player preferences in AR mobile games. IEEE Conference on Computatonal Intelligence and Game

  • Warriar VR, Ugarte C, Woodward JR et al. (2019). PlayMapper: Illuminating design spaces of platform games. IEEE Conference on Computatonal Intelligence and Game

  • Zaal H, Baydoun M, Marcenaro L et al. (2019). Abnormality Detection using Graph Matching for Multi-Task Dynamics of Autonomous Systems. 2019 16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS)

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Katevas K, Hänsel K, Clegg RG et al. (2019). Finding Dory in the Crowd: Detecting Social Interactions using Multi-Modal Mobile Sensing.. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Irfan M, Tokarchuk L, Marcenaro L et al. (2018). ANOMALY DETECTION IN CROWDS USING MULTI SENSORY INFORMATION. 2018 15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS)

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Pacheco C, Tokarchuk L, Pérez-Liébana D (2018). Studying believability assessment in racing games. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Gabana D, TOKARCHUK LN, HANNON E et al. (2018). Effects of Valence and Arousal on Working Memory Performance in Virtual Reality Gaming. 7th Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction

  • Irfan M, Tokarchuk LN, Marcenaro L et al. (2018). Anomaly Detection in Crowds Using Multi Sensory Information.. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Tokarchuk L, Wang X, Poslad S (2017). Piecing together the puzzle: Improving event content coverage for real-time sub-event detection using adaptive microblog crawling.. nameOfConference

  • Katevas K, Tokarchuk L, Haddadi H et al. (2017). Demo. Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Katevas K, Tokarchuk L, Haddadi H et al. (2017). Detecting Group Formations using iBeacon Technology. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Gábana Arellano D, Tokarchuk L, Gunes H (2017). Measuring Affective, Physiological and Behavioural Differences in Solo, Competitive and Collaborative Games. nameOfConference

  • Katevas K, Haddadi H, Tokarchuk L (2016). SensingKit: Evaluating the Sensor Power Consumption in iOS devices. nameOfConference

  • Katevas K, Haddadi H, Tokarchuk L et al. (2016). Detecting Group Formations using iBeacon Technology. HASCA @ UbiComp 2016

  • Smith D, TOKARCHUK LN, Wiggins G (2016). Rapid Phenotypic Landscape Exploration through Hierarchical Spatial Partitioning. 14th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature

  • Smith D, Tokarchuk L, Wiggins G (2016). Exploring Conflicting Objectives with MADNS. Proceedings of the 2016 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Smith D, Tokarchuk L, Wiggins G (2016). Harnessing Phenotypic Diversity towards Multiple Independent Objectives. Proceedings of the 2016 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion

  • Irfan M, Marcenaro L, Tokarchuk L (2016). Crowd Analysis Using Visual and Non-Visual Sensors, a Survey. 2016 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP)

  • Katevas K, Haddadi H, Tokarchuk LN (2016). SensingKit: Evaluating the Sensor Power Consumption in iOS Devices.. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Katevas K, Haddadi H, Tokarchuk L et al. (2015). Walking in Sync. Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Workshop on Physical Analytics

  • Smith D, Tokarchuk L, Fernando C (2015). Evolving Diverse Strategies Through Combined Phenotypic Novelty and Objective Function Search. nameOfConference

  • TOKARCHUK LN, Wang X, Cuadrado F et al. (2015). Adaptive identification of hashtags for real-time event data collection. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Katevas K, Haddadi H, Tokarchuk L (2014). Poster: SensingKit - A multi-platform mobile sensing framework for large-scale experiments. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

  • Wang X, Tokarchuk L, Poslad S (2014). Identifying Relevant Event Content for Real-Time Event Detection. 2014 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2014)

  • Adeel M, Tokarchuk LN, Azam MA et al. (2014). Propagation analysis of malware families in mobile P2P networks. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Fatemi M, Tokarchuk L (2013). A Community Based Social Recommender System for individuals & groups. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Li K, Bigham J, Bodanese EL et al. (2013). Outdoor location estimation in changeable environments. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Li K, Bigham J, Tokarchuk L et al. (2013). A probabilistic approach to outdoor localization using clustering and principal component transformations. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Jarvis MD, Harris T, Tokarchuk L (2013). Ubicomp'13 sencity workshop. Proceedings of the 2013 ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing adjunct publication

  • Li K, Bigham J, Bodanese EL et al. (2013). Location estimation in large indoor multi-floor buildings using hybrid networks. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Li K, Bigham J, Tokarchuk L (2013). Validation of a Probabilistic Approach to Outdoor Localization. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Wang X, Tokarchuk L, Cuadrado F et al. (2013). Exploiting Hashtags for Adaptive Microblog Crawling. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Wang X, Tokarchuk L, Cuadrado F et al. (2013). Exploiting hashtags for adaptive microblog crawling. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Li K, Bigham J, Bodanese EL et al. (2013). Outdoor Location Estimation in Changeable Environments. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Zielinski A, Middleton SE, Tokarchuk LN et al. (2013). Social media text mining and network analysis for decision support in natural crisis management. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Khan SKA, Loo J, Azam MA et al. (2012). Enhanced Lobby Influence: Knowledge based content forwarding algorithm for opportunistic communication networks. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Khan SKA, Loo J, Azam MA et al. (2012). Hybrid content forwarding technique for Bluetooth communication environment. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Khan SKA, Mondragon RJ, Tokarchuk LN (2012). Lobby influence: Opportunistic forwarding algorithm based on human social relationship patterns. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • KHAN SKA, MONDRAGON RJ, TOKARCHUK LN (2012). Lobby Influence: Opportunistic forwarding algorithm based on Human social relationship patterns.. PerMoby 2012:International Workshop on the impact of Human Mobility in Pervasive Systems and Applications 2012

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • FATEMI M, TOKARCHUK LN (2012). An Empirical Study on IMDb and its Communities Based on the Network of Co-Reviewers.. MPM '12 Proceedings of the First Workshop on Measurement, Privacy, and Mobility

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Fatemi M, Tokarchuk LN (2012). An empirical study on IMDb and its communities based on the network of co-reviewers.. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Adeel M, Tokarchuk LN (2011). MPeersim: Simulation environment for mobile P2P networks. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Adeel M, Tokarchuk LN (2011). Analysis of Mobile P2P Malware Detection Framework through Cabir & Commwarrior Families. 2011 IEEE Third Int'l Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust and 2011 IEEE Third Int'l Conference on Social Computing

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Feng C, Qin Z, Tokarchuk L et al. (2011). Epidemiological modeling of passive worm propagation on the P2P file-sharing network. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Adeel M, Tokarchuk LN (2011). MPeersim: Simulation environment for mobile P2P networks.. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Feng C, Qin Z, Cuthbert L et al. (2010). Reactive worms propagation modeling and analysis in peer-to-peer networks. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • TOKARCHUK L, Adeel M, Azam MA (2010). Classification of Mobile P2P Malware Based on Propagation Behaviour. The Fourth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • TOKARCHUK L, Azam MA, Adeel M (2010). Human Behaviour Detection Using GSM Location Patterns and Bluetooth Proximity Data. The Fourth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • ADEEL M, TOKARCHUK LN, CUTHBERT L et al. (2009). Improved Distributed Framework for Worm Detection & Throttling in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • FENG C, QIN Z, TOKARCHUK LN et al. (2009). Propagation Modeling and Analysis of Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing Networks. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Adeel M, Tokarchuk LN, Cuthbert LG et al. (2009). A Distributed Framework for Passive Worm Detection and Throttling in P2P Networks.. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • AZAM M, TOKARCHUK L (2009). Behaviour Detection Using Bluetooth Proximity Data. Proceedings of Networking & Electronic Commerce Research Conference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Wang L, Vial ED, Tokarchuk LN et al. (2009). Blue Danger: Live Action Gaming Over Bluetooth.. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Wang L, De Vial E, Tokarchuk L et al. (2009). Blue Danger: Live action gaming over Bluetooth. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • DONG R, TOKARCHUK LN, MA A (2009). Digging Friendship: Paper Recommendation in Social Networks. Proceedings of Networking & Electronic Commerce Research Conference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Khan SKA, Tokarchuk LN (2009). Interest-Based Self Organization in Group-Structured P2P Networks.. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Khan SKA, Tokarchuk LN (2009). Interest-based Self Organization in Group-Structured P2P Networks. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Tokarchuk L, Shoop K, Ma A (2009). Using Co-presence Communities to Enhance Social Recommendation. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Feng C, Qin Z, Cuthbet L et al. (2008). Propagation model of active worms in P2P networks. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • ZHAN B, TOKARCHUK L, FENG C et al. (2008). Defense against Passive Worms in P2P Networks. Networking & Electronic Commerce Research Conference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Adeel M, Hussain M, Beenish U et al. (2008). Identifier Based Key Distribution Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Feng CS, Qin ZG, Cuthbet L et al. (2008). Propagation Model of Active Worms in P2P Networks. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Feng CS, Qin ZG, Cuthbet L et al. (2008). Propagation Modeling of Passive Worms in P2P Networks. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Feng CS, Qin ZG, Cuthbet L et al. (2008). Propagation modeling and analysis of viruses in P2P networks. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Tokarchuk L, Bigham J, Cuthbert L (2006). Fuzzy and tile coding function approximation in agent coevolution. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • TOKARCHUK LN (2005). Fuzzy and Tile Coding Approximation Techniques for Coevolution in Reinforcement Learning. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Ngo-Pham K, Bigham J, Rodaway J et al. (2005). A system to mark programs automatically. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • TOKARCHUK LN, BIGHAM J, CUTHBERT L (2005). Fuzzy Sarsa: An approach to linear function approximation in reinforcement learning. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • CUTHBERT LG, Bigham J, Tokarchuk L (2004). Fuzzy Sarsa: An approach to fuzzifying Sarsa Learning. Proceeding of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation, July 2004

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Ryan D, Bigham J, Cuthbert L et al. (2002). Intelligent agents for resource management in third generation mobile networks. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Cuthbert L, Ryan D, Tokarchuk L et al. (2001). Using intelligent agents to manage resources in 3G networks. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Tjelta T, Nordbotten A, Annoni M et al. (2001). Future broadband radio access systems for integrated services with flexible resource management. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • D'Inverno M, Luck M, Boutilier C et al. (2001). Multi-agent systems research into the 21st century. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • CUTHBERT LG, BIGHAM J, TOKARCHUK LN et al. (2001). Design of a Trust Model for a Secure Multi-Agent Marketplace. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Autonomous Agents

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • CUTHBERT LG, BIGHAM J, TOKARCHUK LN et al. (2001). Selection Mechanisms for Resource Provision in an Agent-Based System for 3G. 9th International Conference on Telecommunication, Dallas, TX

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • CUTHBERT LG, Bigham J, Tokarchuk L et al. (2001). "Using intelligent agents to manage resources in 3G networks.". nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Bigham J, Tokarchuk L, Ryan DJ et al. (2001). Agent-based resource management for 3G networks. nameOfConference

    QMRO: qmroHref
  • Cuthbert L, Ryan D, Tokarchuk L et al. (2001). Using intelligent agents to manage resources in 3G networks. nameOfConference

    DOI: doi

    QMRO: qmroHref
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