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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Miss Jianing Zheng


Room Number: Engineering, Eng G2


Applied Statistics (Postgraduate)

The module introduces core statistical concepts for practical data analysis. It will provide students with the skills to model data sources, analyze their statistical properties, visualize them in different ways and fit the samples to a known probabilistic model.

Interactive Digital Multimedia Techniques (Postgraduate)

This is a Master's level course in developing real-time interactive digital media systems. The course will focus on graphics and sound programming, with a secondary emphasis on basic electronic hardware design for sensors and human-computer interfaces. The course will employ widely-used development environments including Arduino, Processing Max/MSP and Jitter, Processing. Course material will be delivered through a combination of lectures, interactive lab sessions, and individual/group exercises (both in and out of class). Generally speaking, each class period will consist of a combination of lecture and interactive lab session.

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