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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Read about our Google DeepMind scholars for 2023-2024

Kaviraj Gosaye, Kim Maginley, Muhinyia Ndegwa, Praise Machimbra, Tinevimbo Chitando were selected to receive the Google DeepMind scholarship in 2023-2024 following a competitive selection process.

All five students are undertaking postgraduate studies in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science. They have come to Queen Mary with industry experience, excellent academic records, and a desire to explore the potential of AI technologies and learn important, industry-relevant skills.

Headshot of student in a suit with the London skyline in the background

Kaviraj holds a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Computing from the University of Mauritius. He was working as a Software Developer at a Human Capital Management (HCM) Company where he worked on automation testing before he started his studies at Queen Mary.


What are your first impressions of being in London and Queen Mary? 

London is just amazing. It is a vibrant city with a diverse community of people. From food to places, there is so much to explore and discover. Queen Mary Campus is impressive with the huge buildings, labs and library. Its infrastructure and welcoming attitude of the staff and lecturers create the perfect study environment for students. 

What does the DeepMind Scholarship mean to you? 

The DeepMind Scholarship means all to me. Without it, I would never have been able to experience studying abroad in the UK at such a prestigious university. The scholarship represents hope for academic learners like me who wish to pursue further studies. Getting this scholarship is inspiring considering that I am from Mauritius, a small African island in the Indian Ocean and this recognition truly humbles me. 

What made you choose to study at Queen Mary? 

Queen Mary University of London is among the best universities when it comes to study Artificial Intelligence. The bespoke facilities like the informatics teaching labs and robotics labs offers the opportunity to learn and perform experiments. Moreover, the Master of AI from Queen Mary aligns perfectly with my academic interests allowing me to choose a stream of specialisation like the Vision and Robotics stream. In addition to that, the university also forms part of the Russell Group, is active in research and offers prestigious scholarships such as the Google DeepMind Scholarship. The decision was clear-cut to me after considering all those aspects of Queen Mary University of London. 

Why did you want to study Artificial Intelligence? 

I caught interest in Artificial Intelligence after attending a short course on the topic during my bachelor’s studies. Eventually, my final year project was based on Deep Learning which is a subset of AI. After my studies, I reflected on my professional growth and personal interest, and I recognised the critical importance of staying current with advancements in Artificial Intelligence. With this in mind, I made the strategic decision to pursue a master's degree in AI to acquire new skills in this field. 

What skills are you hoping to gain from the course? 

I am currently being introduced to computer vision and hope to gain more knowledge on the topic. I hope to reinforce my knowledge on the mathematical implementation behind Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms to eventually apply them on robotics systems. I also look forward to the Ethics and Regulations for AI module that will provide knowledge on developing and using AI tools and applications that conforms to societal rules and ethics. 


Portrait of student in a black padded coat and black handbag in front of a crescent of Georgian style housesKim was working as an asset manager in Risk, in the areas of credit, market, and climate change risk and catastrophe modelling before studying at Queen Mary. 

What are your first impressions of Queen Mary? 

Queen Mary has a very lively campus and the AI programme is a very popular course! 

What does the DeepMind Scholarship mean to you? 

As a DeepMind scholar, I hope to connect the richness of DeepMind’s insights with underrepresented and underserved communities.  

What made you choose to study at Queen Mary? 

I chose to study at Queen Mary because the course provides the option to specialise in Natural Language Processing, which is an area I'm hugely interested in. 

Why did you want to study Artificial Intelligence?
I am inspired by the way AI is being used to support developing countries through sophisticated insurance pricing models cutting costs, or machine learning algorithms aiding disaster response. I want to help safely and democratically apply AI to the world's most pressing problems.  

What skills are you hoping to gain from the course? 

I would like to learn more about applied AI and the ethical considerations. I am hoping to use the technical skills learned on this course to explore how we can use AI to tackle humanitarian and environmental issues. 


Headshot of student looking directly into the cameraMuhinyia Ndegwa is from Nyandarua County in Kenya. He is currently pursuing an MSc in Computer Science. His academic journey began with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Kirinyaga University in Kenya graduating in December 2021. Before embarking on my postgraduate studies in Computer Science at Queen Mary, he was serving as a research intern at Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DSAIL) , a research Centre affiliated with Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT) in Kenya. Led by Prof. Ciira wa Maina the Centre is dedicated to addressing challenges in their local context. During his time there, he had the opportunity to contribute to a bioacoustics project. Collaborating closely with an ecologist, their focus was on analyzing bat recordings to develop machine learning classifiers for species classification based on their acoustic signatures. 

What made you choose to study at Queen Mary? 

My enrolment at Queen Mary University of London represents a significant milestone in my career journey. Not only does this Russell Group university provide me with a world-class education, but it also offers a unique platform for networking with individuals from diverse backgrounds and walks of life. This potential for collaboration and life-changing exchanges is certain to play a pivotal role in my professional growth.

What does the DeepMind Scholarship mean to you? 

I am deeply grateful for the generous support extended to me through the Google DeepMind scholarship, without which this transformative journey would not have been possible. 

Why did you want to study Artificial Intelligence? 

My passion lies in the field of Data Engineering and the application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning particularly in environmental conservation and health. To equip myself for this exciting path, I opted for an MSc in Computer Science.

What skills are you hoping to gain from the course? 

This program equips me with a strong foundation in algorithm design and analysis, and mathematics—essential skills for Data Engineering and AI. These skills will prove invaluable as I navigate the data industry, with the master’s program serving as a steppingstone towards my future pursuit of a PhD. I extend my heartfelt thanks to Google DeepMind, and I eagerly anticipate my journey at Queen Mary University. 

Personal website and Blog Post: Website 

LinkedIn Profile: Profile  

A headshot of a student facing the camera in an orange jumperPraise was working as a system support engineer for Telecel Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe's third-largest mobile telecommunications service provider before embarking on her studies at Queen Mary.

What are your first impressions of being in London and Queen Mary?

Can you fold back your table tray, ma'am? We are about to land," the hostess said as she was waking me up from my sleep. From the plane's oval window, there was my first glimpse of London. Wonder and awe at the aerial view of London screamed as I was observing London from thousands of feet above the ground. The captain announced a delay, but for me, I never felt it as an inconvenience but as an opportunity to capture the beauty and wonder through my lenses. It's the majestic sparkling waters of the Thames River, the patterns of fields and forests, a mixture of old and modern buildings, as we were going in circles on top of Basildon. While I was still processing the beauty of London from afar, the plane started to land and I started to take a closer shot. Feelings of excitement and adventure hit me.

It's the first day of Welcome Week. I am on a bus to my university, but I'm both excited for the great opportunity I was about to embark on and anxious about not fitting in and (weird stares) racism, as my other colleagues from Zimbabwe in other UK universities were highly emphasizing. As soon as I arrived at the station and headed to my university, there was a pool of students from all around the world. Oh, I'm not the only black student here; a sigh of relief kicked in as I was greeted by the welcoming faces of student ambassadors. In the hallway to Octagon, every tribe, nationality, race, religion, colour, physical disability, and gender were just passing by, and I think that's the day I have seen so many cultures my entire life, and right there, diversity and inclusion were redefined. There I was on social events trying to make friends, network, and socialise, and I felt Queen Mary was the place to be, because you might not think you are in England because many on the programme aren't British; we are all in the same boat, which makes it easy to settle in.

It's the weekend, so for me, it's always time to explore. I was on my way to central London from Stratford and could notice each town has its own vibe, which can make you fall in love with the city. I started exploring London at the British Museum, the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, St. James Park, Parliament, and Westminster Abbey. The London Eye rounded out the tour with the breathtaking Big Ben, and this was truly a visual feast as I cherished the beauty of a mixture of old European and modern architecture and the smiles these brought to people. Studying at Queen Mary University of London and being in London has so far been a fairytale—a fascinating and awe-inspiring experience.

What does the DeepMind Scholarship mean to you?

If I had to give three words to describe what the DeepMind Scholarship means to me, it would be an elevated impact.

DeepMind has offered me the opportunity to learn without any financial burden from the best in the world  and  deepen  my  knowledge  and  cutting-edge  skills,  a  fresh  perspective  on problem-solving, and the ability to create sustainable IT solutions that will transform economies, especially Zimbabwe's telecommunications industry, and have an impact that many girls in my community will feel and be inspired by.

DeepMind has not only provided financial support but also an invaluable network of people, including Google mentors, DeepMind alumni, collaborations from like-minded people, and the ability  to  identify  business  ideas  and  sell  myself  in  the  tech  industry  from conferences, workshops, colleagues from school, and professors that are already experienced in the field, which will have a major impact on my professional growth.

I will gain leadership, networking, and effective communication transferable skills from the diverse and exceptional leaders in the DeepMind alumni network and the Queen Mary Student Union network who are already solving various world problems thanks to DeepMind for positioning me at the right place at the right time.

What made you choose to study at Queen Mary?

Aspiring to study at the one of the best universities offering the course in the UK, a top university in the world that is also part of the Russell Group leading universities, with top research facilities, research excellence at its core, innovation and impact, and a pool of world-class professors already making a global impact, which is a large flow of knowledge I could not afford to miss, Queen Mary University of London had to be my university choice. Its course structure provided me with courses such as machine learning, security authentication, and data analytics, which will provide me with the cutting-edge knowledge and skills I need for my short- and long-term career goals. Diversity and inclusion at Queen Mary is also one of the major factors that greatly influenced my choice. The actions they take towards inclusion and widening participation align with my personal goals.

Why did you want to study Computer Science?

I was always an inquisitive youngster, and I liked spending time in the computer lab in elementary school. It was always my happy place. I have always wanted to learn how to design and develop secure intelligent software applications since high school. I've always enjoyed making things, and I saw computer science as a means to transform that curiosity into a profession and a business. This program offers me the right skill sets I need to achieve my short-term and long-term goals as an aspiring serial technopreneur.

What skills are you hoping to gain from the course?

  • Machine learning
  • Data analysis and modeling
  • Harness my programming skill sets
  • Scripting and intrusion detection and resolution
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Problem solving and critical thinking
  • Harness my networking and leadership skills

Portrait photo of a student in a red jacket and white topBefore the scholarship Tinevimbo was working as an Information Technology Support Technician at Aviation Ground Services, an aircraft passenger and cargo handling company in Zimbabwe. 

What are your first impressions of being in London and Queen Mary? 

I found that people are generally helpful at Queen Mary and London at large. When I first saw the Mile End Campus, I thought I was going to have a difficult time locating lecture theatres. There are so many resources at Queen Mary that are useful to new students. I’m really excited for what is ahead! 

What does the DeepMind Scholarship mean to you? 

The DeepMind Scholarship is the cement that I needed in my Artificial Intelligence career. The scholarship has presented an opportunity to engage with like-minded scholars and the potential to build life-long networks with changemakers.  Being at Queen Mary means access to state-of-the-art facilities, as well as renowned teaching staff. The icing on top is my DeepMind mentor who I am very eager to meet. 

What made you choose to study at Queen Mary? 

Queen Mary is known for its world-class projects; therefore, it's the best place for me to conduct my research and collaborate with faculty members. I do not doubt that this university is a crucible of intellectual excellence that will empower in my career. 

Why did you want to study Artificial Intelligence?

I chose to study Artificial Intelligence (AI) because I am interested in developing systems that can also be adopted in sub-Saharan Africa to offer reliable and accessible healthcare in my part of the world.  

What skills are you hoping to gain from the course? 

The AI course at Queen Mary is quite extensive, I’m excited about fully immersing myself into the experience. The dream has always been to create my own self-driving car, because driving is pretty high on the list of things I prefer not to do. Apart from the car, I am looking forward to learning how to develop robots in the Cognitive Robotics module that can be utilised in resource-constrained areas. 

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