School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

ECS412U Digital Circuit Design

Module code: ECS412U

Credits: 15
Semester: SEM1

The aim of this module is to introduce you to the basic theorems of digital logic, present basic techniques for designing digital circuits, and provide the knowledge and understanding required to go on to higher level modules on digital systems and microprocessors.

By the end of the module you will be able to:

  • Perform number base conversions; use complements to represent signed numbers and perform arithmetic operations with negative numbers
  • Understand the difference between binary numbers and codes and error detection.
  • Manipulate Boolean algebraic expressions using the Boolean postulates and theorems.
  • Derive a Boolean function from the truth table of the function.
  • Use a Karnaugh map to reduce a Boolean function to its minimum form.
  • Express a combinational logic function as a logic gate circuit; convert expressions between the sum-of-products and the product-of-sums forms and implement in NAND or NOR gate form respectively.
  • Use NAND gates to realise a half-adder logic circuit.
  • Use the half adder as a building block for full-adders, parallel adders and multipliers.
  • Understand the applications of MSI logic chips such as code converters, decoders and encoders, multiplexers and demultiplexers.
  • Devise test vectors to perform waveform analysis on combinational logic circuits. Understand how to use logic gates to build gated latches and flip-flops.
  • Use characteristic tables and state diagrams to design sequential logic circuits.
  • Use TTL integrated circuit logic chips to build combinational and sequential logic circuits in the lab.

Level: 4


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