School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

ECS637U Digital Media and Social Networks

Module code: ECS637U

Credits: 15
Semester: SEM2

Online social networks and digital media services such as Facebook, twitter, Flickr, YouTube are changing the way we interact with the Internet and receive our news, content and recommendations. In this module, you will be introduced to the concepts around measurement, analysis, usability and privacy aspects of OSNs.

The module will bring together a number of studies from different measurement studies on the topic, designs for new systems, and the directions that such networks are taking with the new digital media plans. You will develop a deep understanding and analysis approach to learning specifically about Social Media and their properties.

* Note that this module is dual level, i.e. is taught at both levels 6 and 7. The assessment for the level 6 and 7 variants differs by at least 1/3, either in coursework or exam components, with the higher level variant testing the more advanced learning objectives noted in the relevant module descriptor. Any student who has already studied the level 6 variant may not subsequently study the equivalent level 7 variant.

Level: 6


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