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Centre for Epigenetics

Computational and Population Epigenomics

We are a multidisciplinary group with strong computational epigenomics research interests and expertise. We apply and develop bioinformatic methods to investigate gene regulation, including with ML/AI. We study regulatory mechanisms (through DNA methylation, single-cell mRNA and open chromatin data, histone modifications and enhancers) and perform population studies (EWAS, GWAS, ribosomal DNA).

GWAS, HiC and scRNA-seq data plots


Headshot of Radu Zabet

Radu Zabet

Computational epigenomics and human disease

Headshot of Elena Torlai Triglia

Elena Torlai Triglia

Cancer development at single-cell resolution

Headshot of Vardhman Rakyan

Vardhman Rakyan

Genome-environment interactions

Headshot of Christopher Bell

Christopher Bell

Epigenomic Mechanisms in Human Disease

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