Professor Yang Hao Inaugural Lecture
14 January 2010
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Skeel Lecture Theatre, People's Palace, Mile End
'Computational Electrodynamics: Modelling the Invisible'
Yang Hao, Professor in Antennas and Electromagnetics
Metamaterials have the potential to control and manipulate the wave propagation in a manner that eludes the conventional materials. Their use may enable us to create invisible cloaks and enhance the performance of small antennas. In this talk, I will address the issues on how to develop efficient modelling tools to quantify and represent the characteristics of metamaterials and other complex electromagnetic systems.
Professor Yang Hao was awarded his PhD from the University of Bristol in 1998. He joined the Antenna and Electromagnetics Laboratory, Queen Mary, University of London in 2000. Professor Hao is active in a number of areas including computational electromagnetics, microwave metamaterials, antennas and radio propagation for body centric wireless communications.
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