Using the UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration as an Interpretative Tool for Legal Practitioners
When: Monday, February 8, 2021, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Where: Online
The Human Rights Law Centre is hosting this seminar that will present the work conducted between Queen Mary and ILPA in developing a Handbook on the Global Compact on Migration for immigration law practitioners.
- Professor Elspeth Guild (Queen Mary)
- Kathryn Allinson (Queen Mary)
- Nicolette Busuttil (Queen Mary)
- Adrian Berry (ILPA and Garden Court Chambers)
- Chair: Professor Merris Amos (Queen Mary)
Researchers from QMUL will present the theoretical framework of the Handbook and some key examples to elucidate its contents. The seminar will then invite Adrian Berry from ILPA to discuss the application of the Compact for practitioners in light of this framework.
Despite its non-legally binding nature, the Compact remains important to domestic practitioners for two reasons. Firstly, the Compact assists in the interpretation of domestic obligations by providing detail on the content of the existing human rights laws of the UK vis-à-vis migrants. Further, it provides evidence of state practice. Through adoption of the Compact, the UK acknowledges that existing international human rights apply to migrants, are in line with the UK’s domestic policy and that it commits to uphold the principles of non-regression and non-discrimination. The Handbook provides legal practitioners with guidance of how the Marrakesh Compact can be used to interpret the domestic obligations of States vis-a-vis migrants.
**Please note this is an online event and all registrants will be sent joining instruction on the day of the event.