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Global Anti Gender Politics

When: Friday, March 28, 2025, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Where: Room 112, Law Building, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS

A discussion of anti-gender movements from South Asia to the United States, Russia to the Middle East, organised by the Gender Research Group in the School Politics and International Relations 

The last decade has seen a major growth in ‘anti-gender’ mobilisations - political and cultural movements targeting so-called ‘gender ideology’ as a threat to the family, the nation and civilisation itself. Anti-gender movements most obviously target trans people as the embodiment of this supposed threat, but anti-gender today also encompasses anti-feminist and anti-queer politics, and has become a central plank of broader right populist electoral strategies, as well as having representatives in liberal, centrist and even feminist camps in reaffirming binary and essentialist notions of gender.

This event gathers experts on anti-gender movements to discuss the logic of anti-gender across borders and the futures of anti-genderism: Professor Sally Hines (University of Sheffield), Dr Billy Holzberg (Kings College London), Dr Niharika Pandit (Queen Mary University of London), Dr Emrah Karakuş (London School of Economics),  Dr Maria Brock (Södertörn University, Sweden) and Dr Sita Balani (Queen Mary University of London) with discussant remarks. Participants will discuss how anti-genderism manifests in the UK, the US, Germany, Russia, the Middle East and South Asia.

Tea, coffee and cake will be available from the start of the event.

All are welcome but please register on Eventbrite by clicking on "Book now".

The event is organised by organised by the Gender Research Group in the School Politics and International Relations and supported by the IHSS.

The venue, Law Building, is marked 36 on the Mile End campus map. For more travel information, visit the Mile End campus web page.

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