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Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Dr Aylin Baysan

 Dr Aylin Baysan

Faculty Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Lead

Dr Aylin Baysan, is the Faculty EDI Lead and Clinical Reader in Cariology in relation to Minimally Invasive Dentistry.

Aylin brings with her a wealth of expertise derived from her prior experience as Deputy EDI Lead, Athena Swan Committee Chair and professional practice and has championed equity within the spheres of health, dentistry and wider workplace. Aylin will take forward the Faculty’s ambitious strategy for continuing to deliver on our agenda for embedding the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion across all areas of our work and our community. "I am honoured and proud to have this chance to harness the very impressive momentum that Professor Chloe Orkin and the whole EDI group have galvanised within FMD. I will do all that I can to foster inclusivity, equity and embed meaningful, sustainable change. - Dr Aylin Baysan, EDI Lead (FMD).

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