Children’s Health in London and Luton (CHILL) aims to independently evaluate whether the Ultra Low Emission zone is effective at reducing air pollution in London and therefore improves children’s Health.

CHILL is a research study which aims to find out whether reducing air pollution from traffic is good for children’s health. We are particularly interested in whether interventions to reduce air pollution can improve children’s lung growth and respiratory symptoms, activity levels and brain function. We are also interested in whether exposure to air pollution in childhood leaves markers on genes that reflect pollution levels over time.
We have recruited over 3,300 primary school pupils across London and Luton to take part from 44 London schools and 41 Luton schools. These children will be assessed once a year for up to four years.
The study so far
3,416Children took part in the study so far
84primary schools in London and Luton took part in the study
100%of teachers rating our workshop as good or very good
In the first year of the study, the workshop was about air pollution and the lungs and in the second, it focused on DNA and why we take saliva samples. The current workshop, ‘The Boggling Brain’, discusses the brain and air pollution’s effect on cognition.
I’ve honestly never seen my children so engaged in an activity like that and I am very grateful to you for coming in to do it. The entire workshop was fantastic! Children loved the practical aspect and all the props which were brought in. The PowerPoint was pitched perfectly for the Year 5s— Teacher feedback following a CHILL workshop

Members of the Chill team have prepared a series of games activities that can be completed by children at home. these include some tricky tasks, I-spy games, and some thoughtful activities. You can find out more by clicking on the button below.