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Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Blizard Institute building - Barts and The London

Research Integrity

Developing an open research environment

FMD is committed to the principals of the UUK Concordat to Support Research Integrity with Queen Mary's Vice-Principal (Research and Innovation) having the overall responsibility for Research Integrity.

The FMD Research Integrity Committee chaired by the Deputy Dean for Research Integrity Professor Jonathan Grigg , reports to The FMD Research Strategy Board and QMUL’s Research Integrity Committee chaired by VP Research. The Committee provides support to the FMD on matters relating to Research Integrity as per the FMD Research Integrity Policy.

Allegations of misconduct are investigated according to standard protocols and Faculty Leadership are always available to discuss Research Integrity concerns. Professor Jonathan Grigg can be contacted via email


RI Tracker Summary May 2023 – November 2024  
Total number of allegations received (a single individual may have had more than one allegation) 57
Number of FMD academics covered by the  allegations above 5
Number of FMD academics who had a screening investigations but did not proceed to formal investigation 3
Number of FMD academics who proceeded  to a formal investigation 2
Average time from allegation  about a paper (s) received to start of the screening process 3-4 weeks
Number of FMD academics with an ongoing formal  investigation 1
Number of  formal investigations with an outcome to date 1

Research Integrity Training via the Epigeum Module:

As part of our strategic objectives, the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry puts a great deal of importance on ensuring our research staff are trained on research integrity. All FMD research active staff are required to undertake the Research Integrity Core Module:

Please contact your FMD Institute Research Manager or Institute Research Integrity Champion for your user token.


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