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Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Training & funding opportunities

Training and resources

Clinical Academic Careers website

Medical Schools Council (MSC) and the Clinical Academic Training Forum (CATF) have launched a website that aims to communicate the value of a career in clinical academia and provide information on how health professionals at various stages of training can become clinical academics.  

The website is called the Clinical Academic Training and Careers Hub (CATCH) and provides useful information for current and aspiring clinical academic trainees. The advice on CATCH explores opportunities across professions including medicine, dentistry, nursing, midwifery and allied health professionals.

Academy of Medical Sciences 'support space' for researchers

The Academy of Medical Sciences has created a new career support space for biomedical and health researchers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The link is: 

Regular funding opportunities 

Academy of Medical Sciences - Starter Grants for Clinical Lecturers 

(CLs only can apply)

The scheme is targeted at early stage Clinical Lecturers and provides consumables funding for research projects. There are two funding rounds each year usually in March and September.

Round 29 of the scheme is now closed. We expect the next round to open for applications in July or August 2023. 

For further information and to apply please see the Academy’s website.

The Academy for Medical Sciences' website also provides a handy 10 top tips for grant applications

Barts Charity – ACF Scheme

(ACFs only can apply)

This is a pump-priming scheme to support researchers at an early stage in their careers. It's open to NIHR Academic Clinical Fellows at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, and Barts Health NHS Trust. 

Applicants can apply for an award of up to £7,000 for consumables only. The scheme doesn’t cover salary, travel or training costs. 

The 2022 funding call is now closed. The next round is expected to open June 2023.

For more information, please visit the Barts Charity webpage.


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