James Bradley: "Long-term organic carbon preservation enhanced by iron and manganese"
James Bradley has a publication just out in Nature: "Long-term organic carbon preservation enhanced by iron and manganese". The research has so far been covered in The Times and The Independent.

James and his students organized an outreach event "Build your own world" at the Great Exhibition Road Festival in London with School of Geography PhD students Sonia Papadaki and Laura Molares Moncayo, and recent Environmental Science graduate Anastasia Hambi.
James' project 'WAVES 2' was funded by the EU's Horizon2020 INTERACT program. WAVES 2 will measure the supply, retention, and mobilisation of microbes upon and from glacier surfaces and within the near-surface weathering crust. Total: €10,000.
His project "AIR-BIO" was selected for funding and implementation from the H2020-ARICE program in Antarctica, during the upcoming Antarctic summer (2023/24). James will investigate the characteristics and adaptations of atmospheric microorganisms above Antarctica.