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School of Geography

European Commission Horizon Europe Funding Opportunity

The School of Geography at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) welcomes Expressions of Interest from postdoctoral researchers with an excellent track record to apply jointly, with a QMUL host supervisor, to the European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024.


MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024
Calls for Expressions of Interest


What does the fellowship offer?

The Fellowship is a prestigious EU funding scheme which supports mobility, career development and training in Europe and beyond. The fellowship offers a 12-24 months’ highly competitive salary and research/training funds.

About the School of Geography and QMUL

The School of Geography at QMUL is a notable centre for the nurture of postdoctoral and early career colleagues. The School operates an internal peer review process in order to support, mentor and manage demand for highly competitive postdoctoral research grants.

Postdoctoral researchers in the School are supported by their research mentors and form part of a vibrant research community. The School runs an annual Staff Research Conference and a research seminar series which runs throughout the year providing opportunities for ECRs to present their research to the School.

The UK’s most inclusive Russell Group University according to The Times, Queen Mary is a multi-faculty university with over 28,000 students, 4,400 members of staff and 5 campuses around London. QMUL has a strong history of success with the MSCA Fellowship scheme, with 69 Horizon 2020 individual fellowships awarded to date and ranked 9th in the UK and 18th in Europe for H2020 fellowships.

What does the Fellowship entail?

The fellowship will comprise a joint research project between the applicant and the Host Supervisor/Research Group. Fellows will be an integral part of and expected to fully participate to the academic life of the School. The fellowship will offer well-structured training involving academic and development components, including placement assistance via the international job market. SEF offers a stimulating and supportive research environment to the fellow, with excellent researcher training and a lively seminar programme, while the candidate should bring previous experience, networks and know-how that can be shared at QMUL. 


  • You can be of any age and nationality, but you must not have spent more than 12 months in the UK in the last 36 months prior to the EC call deadline 11/09/2024
  • You must have a PhD at the date of the EC call deadline 11/09/2024
  • You cannot have more than 8 years of research experience after the PhD was awarded. Years of experience outside research, research outside Europe for reintegrating nationals or long-term residents of EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries and career breaks (e.g. due to parental leave) will not be taken into account.


Researchers will receive up to 24 months award flat rate monthly allowances totalling €230-250k to cover:

  • Fully funded generous salary for the fellow (grade 6)
  • Research costs
  • Institutional Overheads

*Note that gross salary includes employer on-costs and tax

All allowances are flat rates and calculated according to the duration of the fellowship.

How to Apply

This is a two-step process. Candidates will be internally selected by the School. Selected candidates will then develop a research proposal jointly with the assigned supervisor for submission to the European Commission.

The School welcomes applications in all areas of expertise, research topics/themes. See; for details of the School’s research areas.

Internal QMUL deadline

Expression of interest for the first step must be submitted to the School Research Manager, Monira Begum (, by 5pm Friday 19 July 2024. The EOI must include:

  1. CV, including a full list of publications (max. two pages)
  2. A research proposal (max. 4 pages)
  3. A statement confirming that you meet the eligibility criteria (described above)

The School will aim to announce EOI Results w/c 29 July. Selected candidates will be invited to prepare their full proposal with their prospective supervisor.

Expert assistance with the proposal development and submission will also be provided by the QMUL Joint Research Management Office, EU Unit.

EC Funding Deadline

The tentative deadline date for submissions to the European Commission is 11th September 2024.

The call documents are published on the European Research Executive Agency website under MSCA-PF-2024 .



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