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School of Geography

Adam Hartley


PhD Student


Research Interests: 

Earth sciences, hydrology, rewilding, restoration, hydrological processes, hydrological and hydraulic modelling.


PhD Project: 

My PhD focuses on the use of rewilding in natural flood management, using both field data and modelling techniques. The project is titled: "Modelling Catchment Scale Hydrological Effects of Rewilding". Two fieldwork campaigns will be undertaken in areas that have undergone rewilding (one in an upland catchment and one in a lowland catchment), collecting data on vegetation succession and the impact on hydrological processes. These data will be used to inform hydrological and hydraulic models of these catchments indicating whether rewilding can be a tool for catchment scale flood management. 


Academic Background: 

  • BSc (Hons) in Geography and Geology (Industrial), The University of Leeds
  • MSc by Research in Physical Geography, University of Leeds 



Dr Gemma Harvey

Dr Alex Henshaw



QMUL Principals Studentship



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