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School of Geography

Professor Alison Blunt


Professor of Geography

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 8437
Room Number: Geography Building, Room 209


Professor of Geography at Queen Mary University of London, Director of the AHRC London Arts and Humanities Partnership DTP, Vice-President (Research and Higher Education) of the Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers) and founding co-director of the Centre for Studies of Home, a partnership between Queen Mary and the Museum of the Home.

My research on home, migration and the city has been funded by the AHRC, ESRC and The Leverhulme Trust. I am PI on the project ‘Stay Home’: rethinking the domestic in the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-22 – Stay Home Stories), funded by AHRC as part of the UKRI rapid response to COVID-19. My books include Home (with Robyn Dowling, Routledge; second edition forthcoming) and Domicile and diaspora: Anglo-Indian women and the spatial politics of home (Wiley RGS-IBG Book Series, 2005). I was awarded the Gill Memorial Award from the RGS-IBG in 2002, a Philip Leverhulme Prize in 2003, and was appointed as an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2012. I serve as a cross-faculty elected member of Council at Queen Mary and vice-chair of governors at the Drapers’ Academy, which is co-sponsored by Queen Mary and the Drapers’ Company.

Key recent and forthcoming publications include:

Blunt, A. and Dowling, R. (forthcoming) Home (second edition). London: Routledge.

Blunt, A., Ebbensgaard, C. and Sheringham, O. (2021) "The living of time:" entangled temporalities of home and the city. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 46: 149-62 (published online 2020)

Blunt, A. and Sheringham, O. (2019) 'Home-city geographies: urban dwelling and mobility.' Progress in Human Geography 43: 815-34 (published online 2018)

Sheringham, O., Platun, C., MacAvinchey, C. and Blunt, A. (2020) Globe’s encounters and the art of rolling: home, migration and belonging’ Cultural Geographies 27: 177-99 (published online 2019) 

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