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School of Geography

Professor Peter Congdon, BSc (Econ), MSc, PhD


Emeritus Professor in Quantitative Geography and Health Statistics



I am a quantitative geographer with particular interests in geographic epidemiology, application of spatial statistical methods to area health and health survey data, and spatial demography. Since 2001 I have been a Research Professor in the School of Geography. I have authored a range of articles and books, including ‘Bayesian hierarchical models: with applications using R’ (CRC, 2019) and ‘Applied Bayesian Modelling’ (Wiley, 2014). My major projects recently have been development of health indicators (e.g. diabetes, obesity) for US micro areas (Zip Code Tracts), developing Scotland datazone population estimates using administrative datasets, and analysis of primary care health registers (Quality Outcomes Framework) to model neighbourhood psychosis inequalities by ethnicity.

Key Publications

  • Congdon P (2023) Psychosis prevalence in London neighbourhoods; A case study in spatial confounding. Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology, 48, 100631
  • Congdon P (2023) The ethnic density effect as a contextual influence in ecological disease models: Establishing its quantitative expression, Health and Place, 83, 103083
  • M Gramatica, S Liverani, P Congdon (2023) Structure induced by a multiple membership transformation on the conditional autoregressive model, Bayesian Analysis, DOI: 10.1214/23-BA1370
  • Congdon, P (2019) Geographical Patterns in Drug-Related Mortality and Suicide: Investigating Commonalities in English Small Areas. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16(10), 1831;

  • Congdon, P (2017) Variations in Obesity Rates between US Counties: Impacts of Activity Access, Food Environments, and Settlement Patterns. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 14(9).
  • Congdon P (2017) Representing Spatial Dependence and Spatial Discontinuity in Ecological Epidemiology: a Scale Mixture Approach. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31(2): 291-304.

  • Congdon, P (2014) Applied Bayesian Modelling, 2nd edition, John Wiley

  • Jonker M, van Lenthe F, Congdon P et al (2012) Comparison of Bayesian random effects and traditional life expectancy estimations in small area applications, American Journal of Epidemiology, 176 (10): 929–37.

  • Congdon, P (2010) Applied Bayesian Hierarchical Methods, Chapman & Hall/CRC
  • Congdon, P (2010) Random effects models for migration attractivity and retentivity: a Bayesian methodology, J Roy Stat Soc Series A, 173 (4): 755–774

Professional Activities and Outreach

  • Elected Member, International Statistical Institute
  • Editorial Board (Spatial Statistics), Springer Handbook of Regional Science, 2019
  • Editorial Board of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
  • Editorial Board Member, Medicine (Kluwer)
  • Refereeing grant applications/project reviewing on behalf of ESRC, NHS Service Delivery and Organisation R&D Programme, Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research, Arts and Humanities Research Board; Research Grants Council (Hong Kong); Health Research Council of New Zealand; ESRC-NWO Bilateral Research Scheme, Chief Scientist Office (Edinburgh) HSR Training Scheme.
  • Referee Panel ESRC/MRC Joint Studentship and Post-Doctoral Fellowship Scheme

Book Downloads (zip files):

Bayesian Hierarchical Models: With Applications Using R

Other downloads (zip files):



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