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School of Geography

Professor Kavita Datta, B.A., Botswana; PhD, Cambridge


Professor of Development Geography, Head of School

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 5398
Room Number: Geography Building, Room 217
Twitter: @@Kavita_Datta17


I am a development geographer whose research spans migration studies and economic and financial geography. Contributing to critical understandings of transnational migration, financialization and migrants’ financial practices, my interdisciplinary research has developed along three key strands of research. These are: (i) migration, financial practice and work; (ii) food (in)security, mobility and migration and (iii) research agenda setting projects. Funded by the UKRI’s ESRC, AHRC, GCRF, BBSRC as well as the NIHR and Leverhulme Trust, my current research is based in the UK (London, Glasgow, Cardiff) and Zimbabwe. I value collaborative research, working with academic colleagues, public policy organisations and migrant/civic institutions.

Alongside being Professor of Development Geography, I am Deputy Vice-Principal (Research Impact) and Director of the Queen Mary Centre for the Study of Migration.

Recent publications in which some of the contributions of my research are elaborated upon are:

Key Publications

  • Datta, K. and Guermond, V. (2020) Remittances in times of crisis: Reflections on labour, social reproduction and digitisation during Covid-19, Antipode Interventions. Available at:
  • Datta, K. and Guermond, V. (2020) 'Financialization and/of migrant labour,' in P. Mader, D. Mertens and N. van der Zwan (Eds) Handbook of Financialization, Routledge.
  • Datta, K. and Aznar, C. (2019) The space-times of migration and debt: re-positioning migrants' debt and credit practices and institutions in, and through, London. Geoforum, 98: 300-308.
  • James, A.; Datta, K.; Pollard, J. and Akli, Q. (2018) Building financial resilience: Migrant economies of charitable giving, Financial Geography Working Paper 19, Fin Geo Network.
  • Datta, K. (2016) ''Mainstreaming' the 'alternative'? The fincialization of transnational migrant remittances,' in R. Martin and J. Pollard (Eds) Handbook of the Geographies of Money and Finance, Edward Elgar. (In print).
  • Pollard, J.; Datta, K.; James, A and Akli, Q. (2015) Islamic charitable infrastructure and giving in East London: Everyday economic-development geographies in practice, Journal of Economic Geography, DOI: 10.1093/jeg/lbv020
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