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School of Geography

Dr Carlo Inverardi-Ferri, DPhil (Oxon)


Senior Lecturer in Economic Geography

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 8200
Room Number: Geography Building, Room 109


Carlo is a human geographer whose work is situated at the intersection of political ecology and economic geography. His research focuses on understanding the role that globalised systems of production play in the world economy and the accompanying social and ecological issues. This agenda is carried out through research in several theoretical and empirical areas. In recent years, Carlo has participated in projects focusing on socio-ecological transformations in East Asia, in particular China. This research also informs his teaching.

Carlo has a Doctorate in Geography and the Environment from the University of Oxford; an MPhil in Social Sciences and a BA in Chinese Studies from Inalco in Paris; and a BA in Digital Humanities from the University of Pisa. Carlo worked as a Lecturer at the University of Fribourg and as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the National University of Singapore. He also held visiting fellowships at Peking University, National Taiwan University, and Efeo. In 2023, he joined the National Research Council of Italy as Primo Ricercatore. The merits of his work have been verified by several institutions, awarding research grants, most recently by the British Academy and the European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant).

Carlo is Co-Editor of Territory, Politics, Governance.

Key research themes

  • Ecology and global production
  • Geographies of waste

Carlo's work has appeared in Economic Geography, Progress in Human Geography, and Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, among other publications.

Carlo is a Committee Member of the Economic Geography Research Group of the RGS-IBG

Key publications


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