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School of Geography

Dr William Monteith


Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, Director of Student Experience

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 8438
Room Number: Geography Building, Room 105
Twitter: @WillMonteith


I am an interdisciplinary geographer interested in questions of work and energy. My research explores people’s experiences of work, entrepreneurship and informality at the margins of capitalist economies; the relationships and places produced by these experiences, and the possibilities they provide for enacting more just and inclusive economies. I am particularly interested in the ways in which the activities and aspirations of workers in the majority world challenge taken-for-granted ideas about the futures of work and energy.  

My current research focuses on the following topics:

  • Retheorising work. The standard employment relationship is in decline in many regions of the world (if it ever existed in the first place). Yet the idea of formal waged employment continues to dominate our politics and imaginations of work. My co-edited book seeks to develop new theorisations of work based on the experiences and aspirations of workers subsisting outside of wage employment; from Cambodian brick kilns to Catalonian cooperatives
  • Rethinking informality. Over two billion people work in the informal economy. Understanding informality as the global norm rather than the exception, my research explores the role of the informal economy in fostering diverse forms of production, reproduction and social provisioning through long-term ethnographic fieldwork in Kampala, Uganda.   
  • Reconnecting work, energy and coloniality. Energy is often defined as ‘the capacity to do work’. Yet the implications of ongoing energy transitions for human labour remains unclear. I am currently researching the relationship between work, energy and coloniality in the green hydrogen sector in Namibia together with colleagues in the Centre on Labour, Sustainability and Global Production.

Key publications

  • Monteith, W., Vicol, D. and Williams, P. (2021) Beyond the Wage: Ordinary Work in Diverse EconomiesBristol: Bristol University Press 
  • Monteith, W. (2025) Reworlding Antiwork Politics, Antipode (Early View)
  • Monteith, W. (2024) ‘Re-thinking Work from the Cities of the South’ in Desai, Potter & Dauncey (Eds.) Companion to Development Studies (4th Ed.), London: Routledge
  • Monteith, W. & Camfield, L. (2019) “Business as Family, Family as Business: Female Entrepreneurship in Kampala, Uganda,” Geoforum 101: 111-121
  • Monteith, W. & Giesbert, L. (2017) “When the Stomach is Full, We Look for Respect: Perceptions of ‘Good Work’ in the Urban Informal Sectors of Three Developing Countries.” Work, Employment and Society31(5): 816-833


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