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School of Geography

Professor Kate Spencer


Professor of Environmental Geochemistry; Deputy Dean for Research Impact

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 7814
Room Number: Geography Building, Room 207


Twitter: @DrKateSpencer

I am an environmental geochemist who works closely with geomorphologists, hydrologists and ecologists to provide fundamental science to underpin effective management of fine sediment in estuaries and lowland rivers. My principal research interest is in understanding the source, distribution and behaviour of sediment-bound contaminants and to quantify how this is impacted by natural disturbance, anthropogenic management and restoration activities. Key research highlights include improved understanding of: (i) the influence of environmental parameters on contaminant behaviour; (ii) flocculation and cohesive sediment transport; (iii) the development of innovative geochemical tracers; and iv) the interactions between physical and biogeochemical processes in saltmarsh environments.

Key publications

  • Spencer KL and Harvey GL. 2012. Understanding system disturbance and ecosystem services in restored saltmarshes: Integrating physical and biogeochemical processes. Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science 106: 23–32
  • Spencer, K.L, Droppo, I.G, He, C, Grapentine, L and Exall, K (2011) A novel tracer technique for the assessment of fine sediment dynamics in urban water management systems. Water Research 45:2596–2606
  • Spencer, K.L., Manning, A., Droppo, I., Leppard, G.G. and Benson, T. (2010) Dynamic interactions of cohesive sediment tracers and natural mud. Journal of Soil and Sediment 10, 7:1401–1414
  • Reid, M. and Spencer, K.L. 2009. Use of principal components analysis on estuarine sediment data sets: The effect of data pre-treatment. Environmental Pollution 157, 2275–2281
  • Spencer, K.L., Cundy, AB., Hearn-Davies, S., MacLeod, CL., Turner, S. and Hughes, R. (2008). Physicochemical changes to sediments at Orplands Farm, Essex, UK following 8 years of Managed Realignment. Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science 76, 608–619

Key achievements

  • President elect of the Estuarine and Coastal Science Association (2012–present)
  • Invited talks/keynotes: Sediments and Biodiversity, 7th International SedNet conference on 6–9 April 2011, Venice, Italy; Impacts of physical disturbance on biogeochemical cycling in restored saltmarshes, Open Landscapes, Society for Ecological Restoration, 29 September – 3 October 2013, Hildesheim, Germany.
  • Provide expert advice on sediment contamination and management to; the Environment Agency, Environment Canada, Medway Ports Authority, Dredging Liaison Group, Port of London Authority, Groupe d’Etude Observations Dragage sur l’Environment and the Port of Nantes.
  • Invited international visiting fellowships: National Water Research Institute, Canada; University of Xiamen, China

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