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School of Geography

Browse our modules


The School of Geography welcomes associate students to many modules within our programmes, with the only exceptions being where there are specific prerequisites.

The QMUL Module Directory allows you to search and filter the latest modules available to associate students in the School, as well as providing key information on learning outcomes and assessment requirements.


Understanding module credit

You will have received guidance about the number of credits you need to complete per semester of study at QMUL. Please check to make sure that your module selection meets these guidelines and that your overall selection is approved by your home institution.

Normally, you should take a total of 60 credits per semester at Queen Mary. In the School of Geography, single-semester modules are usually worth 15 credits each, while full year modules are usually worth 30 credits each.

Students may take four 15 credit modules in one semester (4 x 15 = 60 credits). However, some modules that run in only one semester are worth 30 credits instead of the usual 15. If you take one of these modules, then you should only take a further 30 credits in total for the semester (e.g. two 15 credit modules).


Module codes explained

The letters of a module code indicate the department the module belongs to e.g. GEG prefix means this is a module from the School of Geography. The level of the module indicates the academic level of the module. The levels are 4, 5 and 6 for a bachelor’s degree and reflect the levels listed in the framework for higher education qualifications. Levels correspond with academic years, i.e.:

  • Level 4 is an introductory university-level module (Year 1 modules) and the module code will start with 4 (e.g. GEG4209)
  • Level 5 is an intermediate university-level module (Year 2 modules) and the module code will start with 5 (e.g. GEG5135)
  • Level 6 is an advanced university-level module (Year 3 modules) and the module code will start with 6 (e.g. GEG6145)
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