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School of Geography

National Student Survey results

Queen Mary's School of Geography has received outstanding results in NSS 2024.

The results of the 2024 National Student Survey (NSS) are now in! This annual, UK-wide survey is about listening to final year undergraduate student experiences across their time at university and helping prospective students make informed decisions about where and what to study.

This year’s results showed high levels of positivity on all of the School’s undergraduate courses. Our results reflect a supportive and high-quality educational environment that prioritises student voice, teaching excellence and comprehensive support systems.

NSS 2024 at a glance

2ndin prestigious Russell Group on valuing student voice

Geography, Earth and Environmental Studies (NSS 2024)

#1in London's leading Russell Group universities for student support

Human Geography (NSS 2024)

94.9%of students agree that staff are good at explaining things

Geography, Earth and Environmental Studies (NSS 2024)

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Key highlights from the NSS 2024 results include:

We value student voice: Our students’ opinions matter. We ranked second among the prestigious Russell Group universities for valuing student feedback. Whether you’re on a Geography or Environmental Science course, you’ll find that we listen and act on what students say. Physical Geography is in the top 10 nationally on student voice and Environmental Science came third in the entire Russell Group.

Excellence in teaching and support: We’re proud that almost every student (94.9%!) feels that teaching staff excel at explaining things. Our commitment to quality education means Environmental Science is 5th in the Russell Group on teaching excellence. Plus, Human Geography is number one in London’s Russell Group universities for academic support, while Physical Geography ranked third in the Russell Group on course organisation and management.

Cutting-edge learning resources: We’ve invested in the best for our students. Our labs are equipped with industry standard software and facilities, which 95.7% of our Environmental Science students feel enhance their learning. We’re 5th in the Russell Group and 11th nationally for the quality of our Environmental Science learning resources, ensuring our students have everything they need to succeed.

Timely and helpful feedback: We know that feedback is crucial for student success. That’s why we lead London’s Russell Group universities in providing timely and useful feedback. Environmental Science is 2nd in the Russell Group for the helpfulness of feedback, and across our School 91.5% of students find it is easy to contact staff whenever needed.

I am delighted with our 2024 NSS results. They demonstrate the School’s commitment to providing high quality education underpinned by robust student support. I am particularly happy that our results reflect how much we value student voice. Queen Mary’s School of Geography really is a special place!
— Professor Kavita Datta, Head of School
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