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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

Ordinance 1: Powers of the University




1. In accordance with Article 3 of the Charter, the University has all the powers of a natural person to do any lawful thing in furtherance of its Objects.

2. In particular, the University has the power to:

(a) award and revoke all forms of certificates, diplomas and degrees of the University, including dual, joint and other educational awards with other institutions;

(b) award degrees of the University of London in accordance with the University of London Statutes;

(c) acquire, own, maintain, manage and dispose of real and other property;

(d) solicit, receive and administer grants, subscriptions, donations, endowments, legacies, gifts and loans of any property whatsoever, whether real or personal;

(e) act as trustees for and in relation to endowments, legacies and gifts;

(f) invest any monies in the hands of the University and available for investment in accordance with the relevant law;

(g) borrow and raise money in any manner in accordance with the relevant law and in doing so may give security for loans and enter into any instrument which is ancillary or incidental to the exercise of such powers;

(h) give guarantees;

(i) enter into contracts and engagements and to accept obligations and liabilities in all respects without any restriction whatsoever and in the same manner as an individual may manage his or her own affairs;

(j) affiliate or collaborate with other institutions;

(k) employ staff and to prescribe their terms and conditions of service; and

(l) do anything else necessary or appropriate, whether incidental to these powers or not, in order to further the Objects of the University.


Approved by the Council with effect from 1 August 2024.

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