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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

Ordinance 11: Fellowships, Honorary Degrees and the Queen Mary Medal




1. The Council may confer and revoke Fellowships and Honorary Degrees of the University, and issue the Queen Mary Medal, on the proposal or recommendation of the Honorary Degrees and Fellowships Committee and after consulting the Senate. The Honorary Degrees that may be conferred are:

(a)            Doctor of Laws honoris causa (LLD);

(b)            Doctor of Letters honoris causa (DLitt);

(c)            Doctor of Sciences honoris causa (DSc).

2. Fellows of the University shall be persons of distinction, or persons who have in the opinion of the Council rendered significant service to the University or to the community, or with a demonstrable connection or affiliation to the University. A Fellowship shall not be conferred on a current employee of the University or member of the Council.

3. Honorary Degrees shall be reserved for persons of significant standing who have distinguished themselves in their chosen field, or for their service, and whose recognition with an Honorary Degree brings distinction to the University. An Honorary Degree shall not be conferred on a current employee of the University or member of the Council, a serving politician or a person who has previously received an Honorary Degree of the University or the University of London.

4. The Queen Mary Medal may be issued on or following retirement to any employee of the University who, in the opinion of the Council, has made an exceptional, sustained contribution to the University beyond long service alone and fulfilment of the normal requirements of their role.

5. Council may revoke a Fellowship or Honorary Degree if evidence comes to light that the recipient has at any time:

(a)            been convicted of a criminal offence;

(b)            been censured or struck off by a relevant regulatory or professional body;

(c)            displayed any behaviour that is deemed to be inconsistent with the values of the University or to bring the University into disrepute.

6. Concerns or complaints about Fellows and recipients of Honorary Degrees shall be raised with the Chair of Council or the Secretary to Council. In the case of a concern or complaint containing one or more of the grounds listed in paragraph 5 of this Ordinance, the Secretary to Council shall ask the Honorary Degrees and Fellowships Committee to consider the concern or complaint and make a recommendation to the Council. Where a recommendation is made to revoke a Fellowship or Honorary Degree, the subject of the concern or complaint shall be invited to comment on the reasons for the recommendation before Council is asked to decide.



Approved by the Council with effect from 1 August 2024.

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