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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

Ordinance 13: The Students' Union




1. The Students’ Union of the University, known as Queen Mary University of London Students’ Union Limited, shall be independent of the University but shall be subject to oversight and scrutiny by the University as required by Section 22 of the Education Act 1994.

2. The Council shall exercise its responsibilities in relation to the Students’ Union under the Education Act 1994 and Article 19 of the Charter by:

(a) reserving to itself the power to approve the Articles of Association of the Students’ Union on the recommendation of the Board of Trustees, and reviewing such Articles of Association at intervals of not more than five years, specifically to ensure alignment with relevant legislative and regulatory obligations and the provisions of the University’s Charter;

(b) setting out in a Code of Practice details of the arrangements made to secure compliance with the Education Act 1994;

(c) having a Memorandum of Agreement in place between the University, the Students’ Union and QMSU Services Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of the Students’ Union) which provides the framework of the parties’ relationship; and

(d) having a Review Panel in place to monitor and report to the Council on adherence to the Code of Practice and Memorandum of Agreement.

3. In respect of any funding provided by the University to the Students’ Union, the Students’ Union shall provide such assurances in respect of its use as may be required by the University from time to time.



Approved by the Council with effect from 1 August 2024.

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