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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

Ordinance 3: Senior Officers of the University




1. Pursuant to Article 18 of the Charter, the Senior Officers of the University shall be:

(a)            the President and Principal;

(b)            the Vice-Principals;

(c)            the Chief Financial Officer;

(d)            the Chief Governance Officer; and

(e)            the Chief Operations Officer.


2. In accordance with Article 18 of the Charter, the President and Principal shall be the chief academic and accounting officer of the University appointed by the Council to carry out the academic, corporate, financial, estate and human resource management of the University. The powers of the President and Principal shall be defined within the Delegation Framework approved by the Council.

3. The roles and responsibilities of the other Senior Officers of the University shall be defined by the President and Principal in conformance with the Delegation Framework approved by the Council.

4. In the absence or incapacity of the President and Principal, another Senior Officer of the University designated for the purpose shall act for and on behalf of the President and Principal.

5. For ceremonial purposes, Senior Officers of the University shall wear such official dress in accordance with the applicable regulations of the University.



Approved by the Council with effect from 1 August 2024. 

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