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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

Ordinance 5: Officers of the Council




1. Pursuant to Article 13 of the Charter, there shall be the following Officers of the Council:

(a)            the Chair of Council;

(b)            the Vice-Chair of Council;

(c)            the Treasurer;

(d)            the Chair of Audit and Risk Committee; and

(e)            the Secretary to Council.

2. The roles and responsibilities of Officers of the Council shall be defined by the Council based on recommendations from the Governance Committee.

3. The Council shall convene an ad hoc panel of external members of the Council, chaired by the Vice-Chair of Council and supported by the Secretary to Council, to conduct the process and make a recommendation to the Council on the recruitment and election of the Chair of Council, in accordance with Article 13 of the Charter.

4. The Governance Committee, supported by the Secretary to Council, shall conduct the process and make a recommendation to the Council on the election of the Vice-Chair of Council, in accordance with Article 13 of the Charter.

5. The Treasurer and the Chair of Audit and Risk Committee shall be appointed by the Council from amongst its external members based on recommendations from the Governance Committee. The period of office shall be continuous until the appointed member stands down, becomes ineligible for membership of the Council or is asked to stand down by the Chair of Council.

6. The Secretary to Council shall be appointed by the Council on the recommendation of the Chair of Council and shall be responsible solely to the Council for the performance of the role, irrespective of any other roles and responsibilities the appointee may hold at the University.

7. For ceremonial purposes, Officers of the Council shall wear such official dress in accordance with the applicable regulations of the University.



Approved by the Council with effect from 1 August 2024.

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