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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services


Agenda ItemPapers
1. Welcome and apologies N/A

2. Meeting of 11 June 2019:

  • Non-confidential minutes
  • Confidential minutes
  • Executive summary


ARC2019-01i [PDF 243KB]



3. Matters arising ARC2019-02 [PDF 99KB]
4. Deep dive presentation (Strategy Implementation) ARC2019/03
5. Strategic Risk Management, including Risk Management Policy ARC2019/04

6. Whistle blowing cases since the last meeting

  • Annual summary of disclosures 2018-19


ARC2019-05 [PDF 323KB]

7. Annual report on research integrity ARC2019/06
8. External audit 2017-18 management letter: progress report on actions ARC2019/07
9. External audit 2018-19 interim comments Oral report
10. Value for money annual report ARC2019-08 [PDF 119KB]
11. Fraud/financial irregularities occurring since the last meeting ARC2019/09

12. Planned internal audit reports (2018-19):

  • Research Governance




13. Progress report on internal audit recommendations

ARC2019-11 [PDF 214KB]

14. Internal audit annual report 2018-19

ARC2019-12 [PDF 182KB]

15. Audit and Risk Committee Annual Report 2018-19 Draft 1

ARC2019-13 [PDF 257KB]

16. Draft agenda for the next meeting

ARC2019-14 [PDF 153KB]

17. Any other business

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