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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services


 Item  Paper 
 1. Welcome and apologies   N/A
 2. Minutes and executive summary of the meeting held on 09 November 2021   ARC2021-31 [PDF 169KB] 
 3. Matters arising  ARC2021-32 [PDF 177KB]
 4. Strategic Risk Register  ARC2021/33
 5. Bi-annual cyber security report  ARC2021/34

 6. Internal audit

  • Planned internal audit reports
  • Update on internal audit recommendations



 7. Whistle blowing cases since the last meeting  ARC2021/37
 8. Fraud/financial irregularities occurring since the last meeting   Oral report
 9. Care Quality Commission  ARC2021/38
 10. *Revised regulatory guidance on reportable events to the OfS   ARC2021-39 [PDF 624KB]
 11. *Draft agenda for the next meeting  ARC2021-40 [PDF 95KB]

 12. Audit services

  • Review of internal and external auditor contracts
  • Tender for the provision of internal audit services - recommendation to appoint



 13. Any other business   N/A
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